K8055 Not Recognized

I recently acquired a K8055 and assembled it.
When I plug it into a USB port

  • LD8 blinks twice and then stays on as advertised
  • LD11 Power LED is on all the time

XP-Pro responds with a bubble pop up
:!: USB Device not recognized
If i look into this further it reports VID and PID as 0
and says this is an Unknown Device

 This is also the case on any number of ports on XP
  and the same on an old Win 98 box (less complaining) it just disables 
  the device.

I Have:

  • used other known working USB cables
  • tried all 4 addresses vi the addr jumpers
  • I have visually inspected the solder (good)
  • I have removed the IC’s and gone thru and metered every connection (all good).
  • I have tried all available demo apps, USB device viewers, and my own apps (all tend to indicate something fubar on PIC or something).

I notice this PIC chip has a red marker-pen strip across it… I don’t know if that means:

  • its been programmed and tested…
  • its been all of the above and failed…
  • or somebody just had nothing better to do with a red marker

Any ideas out there?

There could be an incompatibility between the controller and your USB bridge chip in your PC.
Also the controller chip could be defective. If you think so, please send just the chip PIC16C745 to us. You will receive a new one, free of charge.


I have the same problem :frowning:

I also run winxp pro. the LD8 flash 3 times, then it is going off.


How can i fix it? which means it^

I had the same problem with a K8047 device, USB greyed out, device not found. Downloaded the latest software from the Velleman site, still no connection.
I then installed it on an older machine (4 years old HPCompaq D500) and
it worked fine straight away, I had anothe try on a 4 years old laptop and it also worked fine. I believe there is an imcompatibility with newer USB 2

The “LD8 flash 3 times” problem is still alive… (the LD4 should flash :? )

My controler on the NB (Asus A8R32 R580) is seeing the P8055… The Southbrigde is not see the P8055^^. But the demo works fine… If i use the SB usb ports, -> Code 10… :? :frowning:

I have the same problem, but only when the board is connected via a usb hub. I’ve tried 2 different hubs and had no other problems with them.
The board works fine when connected to a motherboard usb port, so I think there’s something not quite right with the controller.
M/B and hubs are all recent usb2.


The used usb ports has to be USB1.1 compatible.

I have the same problem, today I have received the board and nothing is working. I have tried two PCs.

Still no connection. UnkownDevice in the Manager ist comming up.

I am having the ASUS M2N-SLI it is 1.1 compatible!!!

There are no “know problems” with the K8055 chip.
Marked devices are programmed and tested by the programmer.
If you have a failing chip, you must send it to us by post for test/exchange. Just writing that you have the “same” problem doesn’t help. Check also your USB port, assembly of K8055 (USB connector) and your HID drivers.

I had the same problem today: Yesterday I tested the k8055 and it worked. Today, I tried it, but the computer didn’t recognize it and the software couldn’t make a connection. After much trouble with deinstalling software I finally tried another USB cable (the cable I used today was another, of my external harddisk), and then it worked!

Thank you Legov for sending this comment to this forum. It may help other users to locate one possible source of the problem: the USB cable.

Hi all!
I had the same problem with the board not connecting on usb2, what i did is, I have a usb keyboard with the hub, when i connect the board to my keyboard, it works fine. Its drivers are definately not compatible with usb2. try it with usb1 hub if you like. All you have to do is downgrade your usb2 to usb1. Hope it helps.

Thank you imransohail for this notification.
This is very valuable for the users having similar problems when connecting the K8055 to USB2 hub.


I have the same problem :frowning:

I also run winxp pro. the LD8 flash 3 times, then it is going off.


How can i fix it? which means it^[/quote]

on my K8055 LD8 Flashes 3 times on startup,
but no problems with connection or any outputs / inputs…

Works fine, but i still wonder why my LD8 Flashes 3times when the specs says
LD4 = 4times …

Where is said LD4 four times…?
In the illustrated manual on page 21 is said LD8…

[quote=“VEL255”]Where is said LD4 four times…?
In the illustrated manual on page 21 is said LD8…[/quote]

hmm … You are right …
Im sorry , must be a memory i had from another circut …

Damne , i where 100% Sure that it was LD 4… But my mistake ,.

Sry , :roll:

No problem.
It seems that your K8055 is working OK :slight_smile:

What is the likelihood of a release of a K8055/VM110 that is USB 2.x compliant/compatible? I am able to communicate with the K8055 from some computers, but not others. And while I will probably be able to work around this limitation to some extent, it is nonetheless quite a limitation!

I can easily see how hobbyists would just happen not to have any USB chains in their workshop that are operating at 1.x. For me this means neither my primary workstation nor my KVM switch are compatible with this board.

One might draw an analogy here to buying an a new car as-is, and realizing it runs great, but only on dirt roads. D’oh!

I know this is an old thread but if anyone is reading this will similar issues, I managed to get my k8055 to work by pligging the usb into an external usb hub…

I think there is definatly a hub issue, maybe usb 2, ps ASUS motherboard too, mentioned earlier…

rgds :laughing:

Hi all,

Yesterday I tested the k8055 and it worked. Today, I tried it, but the computer didn’t recognize it and the software couldn’t make a connection.

I tried to a another computer, it’s the same problem, I change the usb cable, it’s the same problem.

Can you help me please ?
