K8055 Not Recognized

Does the LED LD8 flash three times and then turns off when the USB cable is connected?

Thanks for response :slight_smile:

Yes, the power led LD11 turn on and the led LD8 flash three times.

When I connect the usb cable to the windows workstation, it’s doesn’t work. olso I test to the linux Ubuntu workstation, nothing happens by using this command :

tailf /var/log/syslog

#tailf /var/log/message

You have an idea for my problem ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

You can try to diagnose the system with the USBView.EXE program.
The result of the K8055 USB connection data should look like this:

Here is a link to download the USB View program: box.net/shared/mc3pt7bt1n

USBView is a free utility from Microsoft that displays the USB connection tree and shows the USB devices that are connected to it together with their configuration data. This is very useful for debugging USB enumeration errors.

I test USBView.exe to two different Windows workstation (Seven / XP) and the K8055 card does not appear in the window.

This is strange. It seems the USB enumeration fails (card not found).
Is the LED LD8 off after the three flashes?
If still on, this indicates problem in the USB enumeration.

No the LED LD8 after the tree flashes is on.

Please see this thread p. 2: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4086
There seems to be about similar case and solution.

If you look the Device Manager, do you see in any section something named as “USB k8055” with exclamation mark ?

If not, then there may be a hardware problem on the K8055 board.

No, I don’t have a exclamation mark when I connect the K8055 to my differents workstation

[quote=“VEL255”]Please see this thread p. 2: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4086
There seems to be about similar case and solution.[/quote]

I see the thread but, the K8055 doesn’t works from differents PC. I think there is a hardware problem on the K8055 board.

Is it possible to test the PIC16C745 ? I check, resistance, capacitor, all it’s ok for my bad competence in electronic.

He may have lost its program …

The three flashes of the LED LD8 indicate that the PIC software is running.
But for some reason the USB communication fails.
Please check the soldering of the USB connector and all the pins of the PIC microcontroller.
Check also that the PIC is properly fitted to the socket.

[quote=“VEL255”]The three flashes of the LED LD8 indicate that the PIC software is running.
But for some reason the USB communication fails.[/quote]

How to test composant of communication USB ? It’s possible with a multimetre ?

[quote=“VEL255”]Please check the soldering of the USB connector and all the pins of the PIC microcontroller.
Check also that the PIC is properly fitted to the socket.[/quote]

I check all soldering, it’s ok. I check also the PIC and all the CI.

My last test before this work was to connect a K8067 card to the K8055 card.

The output voltage was 3V of the K8067 card, I could break a component?

[quote]The output voltage was 3V of the K8067 card, I could break a component?[/quote]This is OK. Doesn’t break the components.

You have to return the K8055 card for check / repair to Velleman.

velleman.eu/distributor/supp … rantykits/

Thank you for help. I return the K8055 card to Velleman.

Regards :slight_smile:

HIII so velleman; what happend to this issue;

I have an application that was well running on Windows XP on a Dell D600;

I then bought a HP compaq nc4010 also with XP only to be compatible and
avoid migration problems; but alas; that we no go

This laptop now informs me that its an UNKNOWN device,

the K8055 blinks twice on LD8 and then goes on fixed;

the Demo utillity says that No device found when trying to connect !111!

SO please do some work and help me out; it seems that the problem is in no ways new for the K8055.

Regards Georg

HIII so velleman; what happend to this issue;

I have an application that was well running on Windows XP on a Dell D600;

I then bought a HP compaq nc4010 also with XP only to be compatible and
avoid migration problems; but alas; that we no go

This laptop now informs me that its an UNKNOWN device,

the K8055 blinks twice on LD8 and then goes on fixed;

the Demo utillity says that No device found when trying to connect !111!

SO please do some work and help me out; it seems that the problem is in no ways new for the K8055.

Regards Georg

You might try an active (powered) hub.
I have seen where that sometimes helps.