Win32 error

Hi everyone,

I’ve started working with a K8200 last month, my first task in my new job, finish assembling our 3D printer, and then run into almost every mechanical and electrical problem that you can find in this forum, so before any else I would like to thank all for the help.

The thing is we have our K8200 connected to a computer with windows 7 32bits, installed repetier-host 0.84, for some reason that I don’t understand version 0.90 thus not work, it shown an error upon starting up and then shut’s down and does it every time, I installed the proper drivers, configured the repetier and slicer, and everything, loaded a test object… just a block 5x5x5 (cm) just to see how it does and THEN:

the “FUN” begins

the slicer does not do what it suppose to do, I can’t even see if it’s anything at all, it’s like it’s stuck in a loop and repetier shows the following error:

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The aplication you are trying to run is not a valid Win32 aplication
em System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess (ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
em System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ()
em RepetierHost.view.Slic3r.RunSliceNew (String file, Single centerx, Single centery)

I know some things about computers and programming but this is way over my skills, basically our K8200 is killing me, my job in “on the line”, and I need help ASAP

I hope you answer soon
Best Regards
Frederico Carapeto

Hi Frederico,

first of all, please clarify some points for me.

You mentioned two versions of Repetier Host, 0.84 and 0.90C. Which one does work (or work better), which one does not?

Secondly, when in Repetier Host, can you open the Slic3r config dialog? Which version of Slic3r is it? Version no. (e.g. 0.9.8 or 1.0.0RC2) is shown in the status bar and also in the menu: Help - About Slic3r.


Hi kuraasu

thank you for aswering

the 0.84 version of repetier works realy bad, the 0.90 does not work at all

the version of slic3r is 0.9.8. I’ve look at the settings and found out that the 2 boxes that should be blank where not, my mistake, I deleted everything and now I can make it to run… but it does something really odd… it prints the layers side by side and not on the top of each other to form the object.

best regards
Frederico Carapeto

Hi Frederico,

sounds like you have shifting layers. The list of possible errors that can cause this is extensive, you’ll see quite some posts on this issue here. However, it’s usually not so hard to find the error by systematically checking all the components that are involved in moving the corresponding axis. If you have any particular question, feel free to ask.

About Repetier Host: if you got 0.84 working, you should (at some time) try to switch to 0.90C, it has some improvements and supports the new versions of Slic3r. If you want to be sure to not damage the working program and config, maybe use another PC for testing. Or simply have a backup ready just in case (note that some settings are kept in the user’s data directory).

Later versions of Repetier Host (e.g. 0.90 and 0.95) also work when installed in parallel (but into different folders, of course), so it’s possible to quickly switch from one version to another. If this also works for 0.84 and 0.90 I cannot say, but I have my doubts because of the differences in the config files of the included Slic3r versions.


hi kuraasu

I have already verified the electrical and mechanical parts and all seems fine, the problem must be the software because the print shifts like it programmed to do so… with no trembling, no jumps and very smooth… except when it hits the 200mm mark and try’s to print outside the bed…

what are the issues related to this?

Best regards
Frederico Carapeto

hi again

I’ve just notice that the graphic board is an Intel 82945G with 256Mb, isn’t this to low??? I notice that they recommend 2Gb. Could this be the source of the problem???

Best regards
Frederico Carapeto

[quote]System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The aplication you are trying to run is not a valid Win32 aplication
em System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess (ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
em System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ()
em RepetierHost.view.Slic3r.RunSliceNew (String file, Single centerx, Single centery)[/quote]Make sure you are not trying to run/install 64-bit software on a 32-bit computer

[quote] Intel 82945G with 256Mb, isn’t this to low??? I notice that they recommend 2Gb[/quote]There is a difference between the memory of your graphics card and your computer’s RAM memory. Your hardware is probably fine…

hi VEL448

thank you for the tip, I already solve that issue and it was just what you said, a conflict between the 2 versions,

but the skipping steps continue and I still don’t know if the stops in middle of the job are solved.

Best regards
Frederico Carapeto

Please post a picture of a failed print so we can see how large the shift is

(make sure no endstops are hit during printing)

There is a difference between the memory of your graphics card and your computer’s RAM memory. Your hardware is probably fine…

hi VEL448

the problem is my graphics is 256Mb when in this forum users recommend 2Gb and the RAM is 1,5Gb when it’s recommended to use 4 Gb.

And my question is, is this to low???

Best regards
Frederico Carapeto

hi VEL448

I have a picture but I still haven’t figure how to load it into the post

Best regards
Frederico Carapeto

Hi Frederico,

if you want an excuse to buy a new PC, just go to your boss and say “I need better hardware for 3D drawing, printing, and [add more points of your job description here].”

Otherwise, you’re probably fine, as indicated by VEL448. When running Repetier Host, note that there’s a “FPS” value shown in the status bar. The value will differ depending on whether you print, slice or otherwise work with the program, and more importantly, which view is activated: Temperature Curve takes nearly no processing power. The 3D View however, especially while printing and with Filament visualization enabled, is a different story. If you actually reach the limit of your hardware, RH will operate in the low FPS range and the printer will slow down because commands are not transfered fast enough.
Also, look out for a note on “fast VBOs for rendering” in the log area upon startup of RH. It tells you about the capabilities of your graphics card.


Hi kuraasu

It is not an excuse to have a new computer since the computer will be just to make the printer run… I’m just desperate to make run… I started working with it in January, 18th and in almost a month I couldn’t make it to run properly… NOT EVEN ONCE… the electrical and mechanical issues are verified, the problem should be the software for 2 reasons:

1st - repetier 0.90 does not work… it show’s an error upon starting up and then shuts down

2nd - there are no jumps or trembling upon printing, it just prints the layers next to each other instead of over each other, to make a solid

I’m truly sorry for bothering you all, but I just don’t know what else to do

related to the VBO it shows: “Using fast VBO’s for rendering is possible”

which makes me more and more concerned about this issues

Best regards


You still run the software with a low level graphics card.
You will need to set the software so it will not show “Travel” or “Filament”.

You should also set the reference voltage to 0.55

hi VEL488

about the picture, I can’t load it at the time because of other software issues, but I can tell that the steps are in the Y direction about 5cm which is the size of the object that I’m trying to print… hope you can help me with it

best regards

hi wrong way

I’ll look into your suggestion about the “Travel” and “Filament”

my voltage is already set to 0.55V

best regards

Hi Frederico,

in that case it might be helpful to think about the possible alternatives. The whole process has thres steps: designing (CAD), slicing (generating G-code), and printing (sending the G-code). At least for the third part, you don’t need a computer, there are options for autonomous printing. Most of these have an LCD and a slot for a SD card, which is used to transfer the G-code to the printer. Alternatively, there’s a special image for use on a Raspberry Pi, called OctoPrint, which allows network-based control of the printer as well as data transfer to it. Depending on how you and your department want to implement the whole procedure of printing, something like this could be a good option.

CAD happens on a different system if I understand you correctly, so this leaves the slicing. You can start Slic3r independent from Repetier Host after locating the corresponding executable (standard folder: Program files - Repetier Host - Slic3r). Of course you can also download one of the new versions, e.g. 1.0.0RC2, install (copy) it into a separate folder and run it from there. The interface may be slightly different, most importantly there’s a tab called “Plater”, that is in some cases invisible when Slic3r is called via Repetier Host. Plater is used to place and arrange objects for slicing. After the G-code is generated, locate the file and copy its contents into Repetier Host’s G-code editor. You can use the layer-by-layer view to check whether the code represents the correct object, and print it like any other G-code generated from within RH.

I remember I had a similar issue with an old PC with onboard graphics when first trying to set up the printer. Can you copy and paste the error message?

That’s ok. Three lines above that message, what’s the indicated OpenGL version?


[quote]I have a picture but I still haven’t figure how to load it into the post[/quote]Please post in on a free online picture hosting website

[quote]1st - repetier 0.90 does not work… it show’s an error upon starting up and then shuts down[/quote]What error would that be? Errors are often very verbose (or they should be) and help developers find the cause of the error.

[quote]2nd - there are no jumps or trembling upon printing, it just prints the layers next to each other instead of over each other, to make a solid[/quote]Wrong Way’s advice is very good, increase the reference voltage. Because perhaps the motor needs to work harder in your assembly, so it needs more power to overcome that.

[quote]related to the VBO it shows: “Using fast VBO’s for rendering is possible”[/quote]This is just a statement about what your graphics card and driver supports. It is a good thing, but it has absolutely no relevance to you so I will not explain in detail.

[quote]That’s ok. Three lines above that message, what’s the indicated OpenGL version?[/quote]Repetier works with VERY low OpenGL versions. I believe 1.1 is sufficient.

A picture would help a lot in the diagnosis

Instead of a computer, you could also use the K8201 standalone controller