Simplify3D Optimized settings SINGLE & DUAL EXT 2016 Update!

[quote=“jkk”][quote=“jakemog22”]So after some time with this software and multiple failed prints i finally found the (almost) perfect settings for this printer.
I just wanted to share my setting if anyone was running into any issues with Simplify3D.

Link is updated!

[color=#0000FF]Download link:[/color] … ktvRU92S2s

[color=#FF0000]07-01-2016 New profiles are up! (finally i know) fixes are listed below.[/color]

[color=#0040FF]#Improved stock settings for more reliable prints.
#Fixed random reverse priming of extruder.
#Improved priming and stability of dual extruding.[/color]

Version [color=#0000FF]1.7[/color][/quote]

To which version of the program are the settings? I have version 3.0.2 and, unfortunately, do not work properly.[/quote]

The latest, the issue is on your side.

[quote=“jakemog22”][quote=“jkk”][quote=“jakemog22”]So after some time with this software and multiple failed prints i finally found the (almost) perfect settings for this printer.
I just wanted to share my setting if anyone was running into any issues with Simplify3D.

Link is updated!

[color=#0000FF]Download link:[/color] … ktvRU92S2s

[color=#FF0000]07-01-2016 New profiles are up! (finally i know) fixes are listed below.[/color]

[color=#0040FF]#Improved stock settings for more reliable prints.
#Fixed random reverse priming of extruder.
#Improved priming and stability of dual extruding.[/color]

Version [color=#0000FF]1.7[/color][/quote]

To which version of the program are the settings? I have version 3.0.2 and, unfortunately, do not work properly.[/quote]

The latest, the issue is on your side.[/quote]

First layer is ok, but the next layers are torn and lack of full in infil on the last layers.

First layer is ok, but the next layers are torn and lack of full in infil on the last layers.[/quote]

Some pics would help.

What exactly was the reason for the random reverse priming?
How did you fix this?


Some pics would help.[/quote]


I tried printed this model:

I didn’t change any settings in (single extruder optimized)
Maby problem is in printer speed because print time in Repetier/Cura is about 6h 30min but in Simplify only 4h 20min.