Simplify3D Optimized settings SINGLE & DUAL EXT 2016 Update!

[quote=“crzdg”]I also own Simplify3D now. I did import your settings and wanted to do a test print.
But i have a problem with this software.

  1. Where can i change, that first the parking is done, and then the heating starts.
  2. The extruder does a big retract after heating up. But i want to have that the extruder is priming before starting, like in repetier host.

Thanks for help[/quote]

The retraction you are mentioning is a bug, restarting the printer/software will fix this.

And i think you could do that in the gcode, not sure.

Do you have a link where the bug is descripted?
Im not sure its a bug in my situation. Because in the gcode there are those lines at the begin of the print:

M106 S0
M104 S210 T0
M109 S210 T0
M218 X0 Y0 T0
G28 ; home all axes
G1 E5 F225 ; custom script part ends, self set prime
G92 E0
G1 E-3.0000 F9000 ; retract
G1 Z0.150 F1002

The value (-3) comes from the setting: Extruder -> Retraction Distance
Even when i disable the retraction the value -3 is taken for this gcode line.
Retraction is important to prevent that filament is coming trough, but not at the start of the print.

May we have to use the solution mentioning in here:
So set a G91 before the line (G1 E5 F225)

For compate, this are the first gcode lines from the repetier (also with 3mm retraction)

G1 Z5 F600
G1 Z0 F600
M106 S165
M104 T0 S200
G92 E0
M109 T0 S200
G1 E10 F100 ; prime
G92 E0

At the moment the software was false invested money

Yes, thank god I tried a “Trial-cked” version and havent ordered it at this point. I always found it on the expensive side tbh.

Thanks for sharing.
I’ll give this a try :slight_smile:

Thank you for this. The default settings for this software are terrible. I’m noticing a few issues with your settings as well, however. I’m not too experienced with this sort of thing, so perhaps you could explain how I might go about fixing each thing. I don’t know whether this is relevant, but I print quite a few parts with horizontal size compensation set to a negative value. I use the dual extruder profile.

When printing the top and bottom solid layers, I notice that there is a slight gap between it and the perimeters, as well as a small gap between each strand. Perhaps not enough plastic is being extruded?

When I am using just one nozzle (usually the right one, but possible either), it also heats up the other nozzle. It does not turn off the heater for the left extruder once finished printing. Is there a way to stop it heating the second nozzle when it’s not in use?

Thanks again!

Yes Daniel it is bacuase of that. Do you have a extrusion multiplier in the slicer your using you might have to tweek it a litle.

// Marlark

Thanks Marlak, that seems to have made it a bit better. I’ll have to try a few different settings to see what’s best.

Any idea about both extenders heating up? It’s quite a bad problem.

I’ve also noticed that the print is not centred on the build plate. I can’t quite work out how to fix this.

Well the reason why the print dont end up centered is due to the printhead cant reach all the way to the left. Basecly the only thing that can reach that far left is the left print head as much as the left printhead cant reach all the way right. When the slicer decide to Place it is based on the slicers settings size and origin of the main printhead wish on this printer is the right one.

I hope that made any sense for you. Simple desc for this is that both heads cant reach eather left or right ends on the platform and origin for right head decide center Point.

What do you mean with both extenders heating up? Do you mean the printheads then it is a question on the slicer temp setting for each head. Might be that you have both as target temp set. if you do then you have the ability to set the secondary head to 0. wish should solv that.

// Marlark


this setting works with abs (i know to change the extrudeur temperature)

thank you

Hi Jakemog22

I would like to download the file for 2 printheads, but the second link in your post I have to login in Google and I am not getting a download. Or do I have to take the first link, which is working fine, but I presume that’s for 1 head?


Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates i have been busy with school.

There will be updates shortly, btw you cant print single colored object with the dual extruder profile.
If you have 2 print heads but want to print single colored objects, pick the single extruder profile!


this setting works with abs (i know to change the extrudeur temperature)

thank you[/quote]

I have not touched the ABS settings since i only use PLA.

The guys at Simplify3d have come up with a very handy “Printing troubleshooting guide” that I think can be useful for not only people with their software but also others.

Hello Jakemog22,

I am a bit struggling with S3D 3.0, not as easy and not (yet) same print quality as CURA.
Would you share your single and dual head settings again ? (Google link doesn’t seem to work)

Thanks for your great contribution !

Jake or anyone else

Have you guys had issues with rectangular infill where it doesnt want to extrude enouph infill? I have tried raising the infill width and fiddling with other things like lowering the default print speed sins you can not change the infill print speed itself. The only idea i have left is to try the other infill types like honeycomb and grid or some other type of infill pattern.

Anyway if someone have a idea. This worked before without problems for me but for some reason it have started as a issue now.

// Marlark

I switched to honeycomb while I was trying to print this With the rectangular fill that I had always used it didn’t fill up to the outer shell. I had overlap set to 20% maybe it needs more. The honeycomb was better but still not perfect. It didn’t seem to like the long curves of this object so missed the inside wall in some sections where the infill is tangential to the inside curve.

I also lowered the speed, but maybe I had infill too low at around 30%


I’m testing out simplify 3D in combination with a E3D chimera hotend and am using your settings as a startingpoint. But I noticed in the dualhead settings that retraction is set different.

<extruder name="Right Extruder"> <retractionDistance>4</retractionDistance> </extruder> <extruder name="Left Extruder"> <retractionDistance>3.5</retractionDistance> </extruder>
Is there any reason this is set this way?

Thanks for sharing those settings anyway!

Update: I noticed in the end scripts you first move the build platform to a certain height and afterwards home the print-head. I advice to reverse this order otherwise you
Have the risk of colliding the print-head into the printed object if the object is higher than the preset height.

Kind Regards!

[quote=“jeafke”]I’m testing out simplify 3D in combination with a E3D chimera hotend and am using your settings as a startingpoint. But I noticed in the dualhead settings that retraction is set different.

<extruder name="Right Extruder"> <retractionDistance>4</retractionDistance> </extruder> <extruder name="Left Extruder"> <retractionDistance>3.5</retractionDistance> </extruder>
Is there any reason this is set this way?

Thanks for sharing those settings anyway!

Update: I noticed in the end scripts you first move the build platform to a certain height and afterwards home the print-head. I advice to reverse this order otherwise you
Have the risk of colliding the print-head into the printed object if the object is higher than the preset height.

Kind Regards!

Hey JeAfKe, thanks for pointing out those issues!

The different retraction settings is my bad, i suggest using 3,5mm.
And ill have a look at the ending script.

The top of my models are not solid with the dual extruder profile - probably due to under extrusion - but my sides are slightly over extruded. Any ideas?

Also, you have the Y dimension set to 180. In reality it is 200, but you can only go from 20-200. You need to change this or you won’t be able to access the back 20mm of the print bed.

This may just be me, but I think you define fan speed as 0 and 100 on layer 1, so it just goes to 0.

[quote=“jakemog22”]So after some time with this software and multiple failed prints i finally found the (almost) perfect settings for this printer.
I just wanted to share my setting if anyone was running into any issues with Simplify3D.

Link is updated!

[color=#0000FF]Download link:[/color] … ktvRU92S2s

[color=#FF0000]07-01-2016 New profiles are up! (finally i know) fixes are listed below.[/color]

[color=#0040FF]#Improved stock settings for more reliable prints.
#Fixed random reverse priming of extruder.
#Improved priming and stability of dual extruding.[/color]

Version [color=#0000FF]1.7[/color][/quote]

To which version of the program are the settings? I have version 3.0.2 and, unfortunately, do not work properly.