I recently bought the stand-alone-controller for the k8200.
I updated the firmware to Marlin V2 (downloaded from k8200.eu/support/downloads/)
and now my Y-Motor doesn’t move anymore, I just makes a kind of high pitch humming noise.
Downgrading back to Marlin V1 solves the problem and switching the X- and Y-connectors transfers the problem to the X-Motor,
meaning it’s definitely not a motor problem, but something from the board.
Verifying the V2 in Arduino is working out fine, although it says the image size will only be 90784 bytes , somewhere I read it should be 102000 something bytes.
Anyone ever noticed something like this?
Am I missing something?
I selected the Arduino Mega 2560, yeah.
I did not adjust the stepper drivers, since I believe it to be a software problem.
Like I said, all motors work perfectly with Marlin V1, but not with Marlin V2.
I will adjust the Y-setting and see what happens, I guess
VEL417 has a point.
Out of the box the reference voltage is set to 0.80 or higher.
This will cause the driver to over heat.
You should check and adjust them before you continue.
Alright, I tried with different driver voltages now, it didnt work.
I still think it’s a software problem, because everything works fine with Marlin V1 and voltages 0,425V.
Am I missing something?
When I open the Marlin V1 folder, it shows subfolders Gen7, hardware and Marlin,
the Marlin V2 folder contains only the Marlin folder, is this ok?
Do I have to add something to the Marlin V2 archive folder?
I also tried the K8200 Repetier Host 0.95F to see if it’s any different and it looks like the communication doesnt even work with this version.
Here’s a screenie of my arduino with marlin V2
I know the firmware is good because I have upgraded mine.
You might try doing the upgrade on a different machine on the outside chance there is something going on with you computer.
I am having the exact same issue. I also put a post up and then seen your post. Mine also is the Y axis. I had increased the voltage to 0.55 with still no movement but with marlin V1 it works fine. Have you found a solution yet. Thanks
Edit: Just tried the file from the US website link as posted above and still no fix.
[quote=“ichbinsnur”][quote=“VEL337”]As replied on an another topic, we’ve tried to reproduce the problem with no succes… So its difficult to answer your question
Best Regards
Can you post the adress to download the marlin v2 here?
I’ll try then too.[/quote]
My thoughts were correct.
Based on past experience with internet Explorer on downloading zip files which easily corrupt, I decided to uninstall arduino and download it again through google chrome browser. I then downloaded firmware v2 again via chrome and flashed the board again. It now works as normal.
I’ve had similar problems with downloads via internet Explorer. At times it wouldn’t even recognise an .exe file unless I manually changed the extension.
So here is what I did as a step by step for others.
Delete all downloaded firmware and arduino application files which were downloaded through internet Explorer.
2. Uninstall arduino (including all files and folders) when prompted.
3. Reboot computer
4. Download firmware and arduino application via a different browser. I used google chrome.
5. Extract files and run install. Should all work normally and as per previous post it will show the file being over 100,000 bytes rather than 91,000.
I hope this is of help to others who experience the same issue.
just for the record I solved my issue by using arduino 1.0.4 instead of the newest 1.5.8
The 1.5.8 arduino seems to compile the firmware different, you get other binary sketch sizes (47k instead of 52k something for V1 and 90k instead of 102k something for V2, though for V1 it doesnt seem to matter)