K8061 Cpu fail

Hello I have read over a few of the other topics that deal with CPU problems and trouble shooting but my case doesn’t seem to match when power is first connected I get all the digital in lights illuminated and the CPU light flashing then when I plugin the usb cable I get the usb and Power on lights iluminated but the TX/RX light won’t light
Does any one have any sugestions as to why this might be ? the voltage regulator is working and measuring the pins on the cpu pins 11 and 32 on pin 11 i get voltages cycling anywhere from 0 to 5 and pin 32 I get nothing, my soldering is fine there is no obvious soldering faults.

What voltage you’ll find from jumper wire J2 to GND?

There is 5.0v exactly between GND and the jumper2 wire

[quote]on pin 11 i get voltages cycling anywhere from 0 to 5 and pin 32 I get nothing[/quote]This is very strange. If you look the trace on the PCB from jumper J2, it goes directly to pin 32 and 11 of IC6.

Hmm I just remeasured those pins 11 + 32 and they both have 5.0 volts stable i might have measured the wrong pin before or maybe my grounding connection wasn’t secure.

The supply voltage to IC6 seems to be OK.
Is the RUN LED (LD12) illuminating?

Run led12 is flashing a bit faster than once every second

It should be lit all the time. Difficult to say what is wrong – maybe the IC6 or crystal…

How can I test the crystal or ic?

The operation of IC6 and the crystal is very difficult to test.
You may anyhow measure the voltage on pin 14 of IC6. Should be about 2.2V.
Check also the value (27pF) of C19 and C20.

pin 14 is 2.02 volts or near enought and the two capacitors seem ok. hopefully some bright idea will pop into your head :slight_smile:

The final check: Voltage on pin 1 of IC6.

5.0 volts. on ic6 pin 1

That is OK too.
It seems that you have to return your kit for check/repair:

I sent my kit back to the seller, (Rapid online) and they sent me a replacement.

Built it up and now I have a new problem that I suspect is my fault or a faulty Darlington array.
I plug it in and it all works apart from the leds 13-20 stay lit constantly and the demo app thinks that there inputs are all closed.
also I now notice that it seems to think analog 1 Is at “1020” when there is no wires connected.

The analog problem is fixed i found the tracks that were crossed.

No problem. There are pull-up resistors at the digital (Darlington) inputs.
The transistor array inverts the state (array output low -> all the LEDs lit).
If you connect the digital input to GND then the corresponding LED turns off.

Also I don’t seem to be able to find the max mA that can be connected to the analog inputs?

The analog inputs are Voltage inputs.
You may select the input range with the jumpers to be either 0…+5V or 0…+10V
If you connect to the analog input the maximum input voltage +10V then the input current is 0.5mA.

Thanks for all your help

Ugh just took my k8061 out of the casing i had been storing it in an began to plugin power and usb.

I have connected the usb and redirected the usb into a virtual windows xp the version of xp detects the card and installs drivers no problem from the cd however it appears that the LD9 and LD 11 wont light up and the RUN light is flashing.

seems like im a curse to this board. any ideas what could be the problem ? im still getting 5v between j2 and gnd