Hint: Printer interruptions, freezes, USB connection

Just a hint, if someone else runs into the same problem.

Printer did work in the beginning. After some days it stops in the middle of the print and could only be started by disconnecting the USB cable, resetting and connecting again. Thought the board was defect, the driver faulty etc…

Root cause:

  • Had the power supply assembled without the “ferrit core”
  • That day, had the power cord moved into a different place, closer to the board/USB cable

So there were interferences that caused problems in the USB communication.

Mounted the ferrit core and rerouted the power supply to a different place.

Nasty error. :slight_smile:

I’m having the same problem however i have the “ferrite Core” fitted. The print will start correctly and then will just stop randomly during the print routine with no faults or obvious problems. I’ve moved the printer onto a separate power supply from the PC and other electrical devices and made sure the cabling is away from the control bored and stepper motor cabling.

Does anyone have any other ideas?



I have the same problem here. Seems to be a general one. The printer stops after some time - with or without the ferrite core.

My experience is: When the printer stops, the power supply is very hot.
Is it possible, that the power supply is not sufficient for the K8200 printer?

Any hints for getting a reliable result?

Hi, i had te same problem.
sometimes the print stops an the heating holds temperature.
No error notification and if i try to disconect and reconect (the machine by Repetier-Host) i get an error masage thad the com port had no connection.
Same Problem with PC and Laptop.

As I said, I had the problem on two Repetier-Host installation:

  1. PC = ok, 2. MAC = the problem started…

… strange, so I reverted to the PC installation… the problem still persisted. I realized that I was rerouted the power cable and power supply from the ground to very close to may desktop and USB cables on top of the desk.

When I reverted and put the power cables/supply under the desk the problem was gone. (To be honest, I still have not installed the ferrite core)… But it definitly had to with same kind of interference or so…

Hi jenspr,

Now I am coming slowly to the same conclusion:

When I completed the printer installation i cut the cable between power supply and printer quite short to attach the power supply to the printer.
I had to use a USB Cable extension to cover the distance between Computer and Printer.
After I got these problems, I installed the ferrite core - but the problems were still there (randomly but mostly after ~ 10 minutes of printing).
Then I bought a longer extra shielded USB Cable: The same result.
Now I have soldered the cable back to the power supply, so the supply can be far away from the printer. I attached the ferrite core like described in the manual and: The problems occurs now after 2 minutes.
Since the printer is completed, I only could finish 3 prints successfully - and a endless number of failures due to this issue. - very disappointing.

If any kind of electric/magnetic interference is really the cause, then I really ask myself, if the K8200 is end user ready.
This kind of equipment will always be in a hobby room or any kind of environment, where you will have some other electrical equipment .

Thanks anyway for the hint. I will now move away the ferrite core also and try again.
If someone has any other hint, I am grateful

Best regards


Today i startet an new Print. (cold machine)
The machine heats up the bed and then it stopps.
The temperature diagram had no change in the timeline.
So i think over temperature of the power supply is not the reason.
Yes jenspr, i think also thad it is a Interference promlem.

I know it may be a hassle but you should try the USB cable supplied with the kit
I maybe off here but you might try disabling your virus scanner and check for other programs running in the background
If you find it’s you virus scanner you should be able to configure it not to monitor the software

Is your USB port 2.0?


I have the same problem!

  • PC win XP 32 OK
  • PC software work
  • COM port OK
  • Printer stop after + / - 10 minutes
  • Message from the software: no response from the printer to the COM port, open printer?

I test the movement of cables and installation of self and I want you informed …


[quote]If you find it’s you virus scanner you should be able to configure it not to monitor the software[/quote]How does it monitor the software?

Dear all,

Is everybody sure the mounted the ferrite core on the power lead of the adapter.
Also make sure the adapter is not really close to the controllerboard and that you use the short USB cable supplied.

Yes I have the ferrite core mounted, and the problem occurs with the small USB lead which came with the pack and a heavily shielded one which I have also tried.

The fault also occurs on for me on Mac and Windows 7

This is perfect for me:

  • Connection of the self
  • Connection and remoteness of the AC adapter

thank you


I would not say that my problem is finally resolved - I will investigate further - but I could print 3 Objects without any connection problem after I did the following:

[ul]Removing the Zip-Ties that fixed the Ferrite Core to the Frame (as described in the Manual) and pulled the power adapter as far away from the printer as possible [/ul]

[ul]Connecting the power adapter to a different socket as the computer[/ul]

[ul]Fixing the screws of the power cables at the board very tight to avoid connection loss[/ul]

[ul]Using my shielded 1,8m USB Cable between the Computer and the printer (the computer is under my workbench, so I can not use the original cable)[/ul]

[ul]Re-configuring the USB Serial Port to a new COM Port and using the default settings here (instead of tweaking the baud rate)[/ul]

[ul]Using the new Repetier Software Version 0.90c .[/ul]

I do not know, if one of these things listed is really the key and I will not state, that the problem is resolved ultimately but I could never before print 3 Objects (print time > 1 hr each) in one go without connection problem.

I will keep you updated.

Best regards

What baud rate did you use first? it should be 250000


The baud rate in the Repetier software is set to 250000 - as described in the manual.
In the Com Port settings of the USB Com Port (Hardware Manager) , I have now left the values at the default (9600 baud)
Before, I have tweaked the values to 115200. You can not choose 250000 baud here.

As I said: with the default settings it seems to be OK yet. With the tweaked ones I had the connection issues.
However, I do not know, if this was the key, but probably it is a hint for the others to look for.

Best regards


[quote=“Drese”]In the Com Port settings of the USB Com Port (Hardware Manager) , I have now left the values at the default (9600 baud) Before, I have tweaked the values to 115200. You can not choose 250000 baud here.[/quote]What is this “Hardware Manager”?

Please do not tamper with the Port Settings in Device Manager. The baud rate is only set by the connecting software, in this case Repetier. Wildly changing random settings will not help.

[quote=“jenspr”]After some days it stops in the middle of the print and could only be started by disconnecting the USB cable, resetting and connecting again.[/quote]You did this by the book. If a COM port has become invalid/defective while software is connected, first disconnect the software, then unplug the cable. Plug the cable back in and only then reconnect the software. Simply hitting disconnect/connect will not do the trick because Windows needs a chance to clean up the port’s resources and restore the port.


My problem is back again - despite all the changes I made and the textbook installation of all equipment of the printer.
But now I have a hint since I can reproduce the connection loss that seemed to be randomly before:
Believe it or not: The connection gets lost and the printer stops, every time when I switch on or off the neon light in the room next to my hobby room.
As the whole basement is secured by one fuse I guess the problem has to do with some electrical peaks on the 220V power - or so.
@ Velleman Support:
What is your opinion about this?
Would a socket with a over-voltage and frequency filter for the printer help in this matter?
Would the LCD shield help in this matter (as no connection loss will happen)?

Not using the light in the room next to my hobby-room while printing is not an option: I store my beer in this room :slight_smile:
And I guess there are other electrical equipment, that can influence the 220V power in the basement (washing machine, dryer, fridge)

Thank you in advance


Hi Again

The posts of ARK and Harjan (“Electromagnetic compliance” in “Wiring and electronics” Electromagnetic compliance) seem also to be interesting in this matter…
Can we connect these posts anyhow.

Best regards
