Hint: Printer interruptions, freezes, USB connection

I can confirm this behaviour.

My printer stops immediately when i switch on my fluorescent lamp (additional lamp) in the same room.
I can reproduce this issue all the time. When i am printing i avoid to switch on this lamp.

Maybe the electrical noise filter (ferrite) is not enough and additional filter is needed?

My problem seems to be similar but not the same. I want not to open a new thread.
-> Printer does 1 step (1 G-code) per second. It takes a very long time and makes poor result.

Let me describe my system and what I have done in the last 2 weeks after finishing the mechanic:
Install repetierHost on Kubuntu 64bit including mono software as described in annother thread
Same at Kubuntu 32bit.
By selecting baudrate 250000 it makes only 9600 (checked with oscilloscope at the FTD chip)
115200, 230400,460800,921600 works. No communication because the controller needs 250000.

test: Installed on Knoppix Linux (only a window opens a very short moment)
test: installed on W.Vista: completely nothing happened by clicking on the icon.

I have some USB/serial adapters in spare but no one could run in 250000. So I have taken a spare Arduino Mega 2560 and I have programmed a baudrate translator. PC to m2560 runs in 230400, m2560 to Printer runs in 250000, printers FTDI chip is not used.
(Option for future: Bluetooth connection)

This system runs, manual mode is available.
Problems: It works sometimes and sometimes not. Printing stops after very short time. So I have checked the electromagnetic problems. Added ferrites to motor cables, USB cable, mains cable, added ceramic cpacitors to the controller board, added thick wires in parallel to high current PCB tracks.

Now the printer is running, step by step. I am sitting here writing, behind me a slow clack-clack every second. It should print a shopping car coin in 3 minutes, now its more than 30 min. And at the print bed is sitting a black shit.

What did I wrong? How to solve the problem?
It is not a slow data transmission, I can see the TX and RX led of my arduino board. It is flashing once per second.

additional questions: where can I get a schematic of the controller board ( link)
Where can I get a download of the controller firmware sketch? Do I need an update?

for the baudrate-problem you should have a look at this thread:

Regards Bernd

thank you.
I had done this before.
My note list for installation is below.
In “Systemueberwachung” mono is running: mono | 3% CPU | 85.1MiB | normal.
CPU is an AMD dual core on MSI mainboard with 3GB RAM.

My today’s trial starts working good:
A brand new partition with Ubuntu (64bit). Maybe there is a difference with the K of Kubuntu. (?)
RepetierHost Version 0.90c
Baudrate 250000 does not work, this setting makes 9600. 230400 works, I use my baudrate converter.
I have forgotten to make the recommended velleman settings in repetierHost. So slicing is made in default settings. Slic3r is much faster than in version 0.84 .
At 3 test prints the printer worked good, at 1 test print the same stepwise work as yesterday.
Stepwise problem is solved by switching off-on of the printer. So I think it is a electromagnetic problem. Right now I have 6 additional big ferrites at the machine. In future I will change the motor cables to shielded (round) cables. i need to print holders and cable chains before.
My next steps to find out: Problem of repetierHost setting? Problem of Ubuntu/Kubuntu? Electromagnetic?

Annother question to all: Where can I find schematic of a LCD/SD-card/key shield for the machine including firmware?

thank you.

I write this installation “shopping list” because I have not found a summary of this in the forum.

wget github.com/mono/mono/archive/mono-2-10-8.tar.gz
sudo apt-get install mono-mcs mono-gmcs

tar -xvzf mono-2-10-8.tar.gz
cd mono-mono-2-10-8

{ please connect the lines wget … raw to one line. Forum software will change this text to a link, copy and paste will not work}
wget -O serial.patch https:

patch ./support/serial.c serial.patch

sudo apt-get install autogen
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install bison

sudo apt-get install libtool
sudo apt-get install gettext

./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr

repetier.com/documentation/r … iguration/

tar -xzf repetierHostLinux_0_84.tgz
cd RepetierHost
sh configureFirst.sh

sudo usermod -a -G dialout abc // my username is “abc”

I have also the same problem that the printer stops .
I’m running XP 32 bit

I had first repetier version 0.84 as indicated in the manual but with the first test the printer stopped.
I tried a couple of parts,but always the same problem.

I then upgraded to repetier version to 0.90 (desinstalled 0.84 ,installed 0.90 )as I found that it was supported now.
After upgrade ,still the same problem with this new version .After 30 min or so the printer just stopped .

I then took another pc with only a few software installed (also XP ) ,used the small usb cable .
My version had a ferrite kern already on the power adapater .

And guess what : printing right now the the K8200 driver box ,and just before the fan nozzle .
The box has still 18 min to go from the original 6 hrs or so to print it .

Must be some conflicts with other software or drivers I think.My adapter is 5cm away from the board and no conflict.
power of pc and adapter is on the same outlet.

I’m happy that it is working .

Only problem left : the print bed (the expoxy board is not flat,but seems to be part of a sphere .The top of the board is 1 mm higher then the corners and difficult to push down.


J’ai apparemment le même problème :

L’échange entre PC et interface k8200 a été long à établir puis a fonctionné pendant une première journée.

Le lendemain, le dialogue a été long à établir (par actions sur l’inter de reset) mais l’“impression” s’est arrêtée au bout de quelques minutes.

Depuis, aucune communication; les moteurs ne se mettent pas sous tension:

Ils devraient se caler sur le pas le plus proche, au moment de la mise sous tension et, même sans signaux de commande, ils devraient être durs à tourner à la main.

Un élément probablement faible de cette interface a une défaillance que je ne peux pas dépister sans avoir les schémas de principe et d’implantation.

J’ai acquis une certaine expérience en CNC mais, dans ces conditions, je ne peux faire plus que fixer ces symptômes.

I try a translation: it seems my printer has the same problem.

Sometimes I got the exchange between PC and card by the reset switch. But when the print fails, the motors are not powered : easy to turn by hand and no jump to the nearest step when connecting.

It will be difficult to find whitch spare of the board is failed without the schematic.

Has someone these schematics ?

Hello, now I have no more problems with the stop of the print jobs. In the beginning, USB cable and power adapter / power cord lay close together on the right side of the device. Sometimes it took hours until the contracts are terminated , sometimes only minutes. Partial stopped the printer even when press the light switch. Now that I have done the AC adapter and power cord to the rear of the unit and along the USB cable is not near the power cord I have no more failures. Mind you with the same PC and unchanged installation.

[quote]Baudrate 250000 does not work, this setting makes 9600. 230400 works, I use my baudrate converter.

This is due to a faulty usb driver. You should update it.

Using a different baudrate than designed induces errors. Asynchronous serial communications can handle bit rate errors of a few percent, but you’re far more than stressing it - with a baudrate 8 % too low.

Don’t give up, there are drivers for the ft232rl that can handle 250 kBaud - even on linux.

Check the “octoprint” project, they’ve managed to get a working driver even for the raspberry pi.

I need some help :

When I select “CONNECT” the printer, in the mean screen of “REPETIER”, there is not, in the bottom of the page, as shown in “Connecting the printer-02 Page-23/54” :

FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup FIRMWARE_URL:http://www.K8200.eu -

Is this the answer of the printer board when connection is realy done ?

If not appares, how to correct it ?

Hope someone know the answer !

First of all, some easy questions:

Are you connecting to the correct COM port (as shown in your Device Manager)? Did you configure the printer as indicated in the manual?

I thank you for your quick answer

First of all, the printer did his job correctly. After this, during the 3rd print, the printer lost steps and definitively stopped.

Are you connecting to the correct COM port (as shown in your Device Manager)?

I searched to locate the problem during one week; finally, I deleted the virtual port (was com5)and intalled it twice (com3); when I plug the usb cable, the port appears in the PC configuration; it desappeares when disconnect. I think it’s correct.

Did you configure the printer as indicated in the manual?

When I uninstalled Repetier and re-installed it, the soft found the 1st saved configuration.

“FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup FIRMWARE_URL:http://www.K8200.eu -

Is this firmwear writtened on the board or on the soft ?

please tell me what way exactly I should search

I thank you

Velleman support:

Est-il permis de brancher l’interface avec sa liaison USB et son alimentation mais sans l’imprimante et ses moteurs ?

(j’utilise ma K8200 isolé à Mayotte et je me rends à La Réunion demain. Je compte fixer le problème avec des professionnels compétents)



I had the same problem. The printer worked fine. But afte a few layers it Always stopped at some point (randomly). Small objects were no problem. But after one day it gave connectionproblems etc. Every time the heaters went on: freezes the screen. And nothing worked anymore. Al just as described before in this topic. Nothing helped… baudrate, other adapter, expensive usb-cable, etc.

But then we looked at the baudrate of the usbports themselfs. It was 9600… and so we set it to <520000 this solved the issue for us!

I hope this helps… goodluck