Extruder motor won't run

Followed instructions to load firmware. Board suggested was ‘Mega 2560 or Mega ADK’. In my version of Arduino they were on separate lines. Tried both - apparently flashed OK but extruder motor doesn’t turn - although can hear and feel a clicking. Checked motor - it rotates OK when connected to the Z axis output. Notice in other posts about changing voltages and EPROM values. Is this likely to be the problem? If so how do I do it?

Did you make sure to use Arduino 1.0.6 for the Firmware update?

Any newer Versions won’t compile the velleman martlin correctly, resulting in movement errors or other strange issues.

Was using 1.6.7 Flashed using 1.0.6 results worse - motor doesn’t even click now. Still working though on Z zxis output

Try reflashing with 1.0.6 and make sure to load firmware defaults after flashing via repetier -> tools -> Firmware EEProm settings.

EEPROM settings / Restore factory defaults / Save to EEPROM Also reloaded Config Still dead after each stage. Any point in reflashing?

Were there any error messages in Arduino during flash?
Did you pay attention to short the JPROG jumper?

No error messages although sketch compiled twice Once at the early stage (as per instructions) and again after clicking ‘upload’ button.

JPROG shorted with crocodile clip.

Finding marlin.ino file didn’t go according to instructions - had to search in download from Velleman for file only ‘Marlin’ and Arduino logo but properties showen Marlin.ino

[quote=“Fafnir”]No error messages although sketch compiled twice Once at the early stage (as per instructions) and again after clicking ‘upload’ button.

JPROG shorted with crocodile clip.

Finding marlin.ino file didn’t go according to instructions - had to search in download from Velleman for file only ‘Marlin’ and Arduino logo but properties showen Marlin.ino[/quote]

from where did you download the firmware (link?)
and which did you get?

Got it from the Velleman ‘Updating the firmware’ instructions. Initially V2.3 with spindle & direct drive also tried V2.2 direct drive. Neither worked

Which motors don’t run now?
What are the stepper driver voltages set to ? 0.55v?

The “direct drive” Marlin versions are intended for use with the 8203 direct drive extruder kit. If you are using the 8203 kit, did you replace the stepper driver with the one supplied in the kit? The replacement driver should be set for a reference voltage of 0.8 - 0.92 v.

If you are using the stock 8200 extruder (with the large drive gear) then you do not want to be using
the “direct drive” firmware options.

Hope this helps!

Yes Have upgraded to 8203 and replaced driver part. How do I set the voltage?

There is a small trim potentiometer on the driver board, and a small test point where you can measure the voltage. Put a voltmeter on the test point and turn the pot (slowly) to set the voltage.

Mine came set to a perfect 0.92v and that seems to be a good setting.

I can see the potentiometer I think. Where is the test point and what do I use for a ground?

Worked out how to set tried various betweeen .9 and 1.2V no effect

And you say the extruder motor turns when you connect it to the z axis output? interesting… Can the extruder output turn the z axis motor?

You don’t mention your test conditions. Do you have filament loaded and is the extruder heated? Do you get any messages in the log about cold extrusion?

I am also wondering if maybe your stepper driver module is bad. You could try putting the original stepper driver board back in to see if there is any improvement. You could also swap the extruder’s stepper card onto one of the axes to see if it works there. Try to isolate the failure.

Ichbinsnur missed your comment

XYZ motors run for homing. Cannot test for printing. Where are stepper voltages adjusted?

Dr Vegatable, Extruder output will not turn Z axis. No filament loaded as motor cannot feed and no means of manual feed (unlike old version). If I replace new extruder drive card with the original would it work? If it didn’t would it prove anything?

Yes, the original driver card should be capable of driving the extruder motor. The replacement driver just handles more current and will handle the load better. If the old driver works, you probably have a bad stepper driver board.

The other side of the test would be to put the extruder stepper driver into, say, the z axis, and see if it can drive that motor. If it can’t do that, then it is very likely to be the fault.

On the 8203, you can manually load filament cold, but it is not easy. Compress the spring lever and feed the filament down into the extruder. But if no filament is loaded, then that is not jamming the extruder. I was also going to verify that you are using 1.75mm filament, but that is a non-issue.

Remember that, by default the Marlin firmware will not run the extruder motors when the extruder temperature is less than about 170 degrees. You would get a message on the Repetier printer console that says “cold extrusion prevented” and the extrude command will be ignored. (You say you are getting a clicking sound, so it sounds like you have defeated this safety feature in the firmware…?)

Dr Vegetable

Yes Yes!! Using the supplied card and with the extruder at temperature the motor works using the extruder arrows (which is what I’ve been trying all along)

However the sense of rotaion looking at the end of the spindle seems to be wrong. Clockwise for eject and anti clockwise for feed.

Will have to wait until I have filament to test. If it is wrong is it possible to reverse?

I’m surprised Velleman don’t include details of these sort of limitations in their instructions.

Many thanks for your help.