Z problem

Hello I have a strange problem. I added a micrometer for easier setting of the level. Now the printer stops working after Z home. When i put back the regular screw it works. Is it possible the extra weight could stop the printer?
Thank you in advance for any help.

I have seen others do that and it was not a problem.
Another person mounted his filament on the Z axis 1Kg 2.2lbs and that was not a problem.
There must be something else going on.

Could you post some pictures?

dropbox.com/s/bg8bt87wzo96n … 9.jpg?dl=0

Yes i think it very strange.

I’m not sure why it would work?
Does the motor try to move?
Is the flex flex joint loose on the motor?

Thank you for trying to help!
I removed and tried a little bit more and realized i get Error: Printer halted. kill() called! when I raised Z height a long bit.
I posted a new post about this.