Z axis too slow_when trying to change eeprom configuration

Dear all,

I am sorry if the subject appeared in the forum, I looked but cannot find the answer.
I posted a similar post at repetier forum first as I thought it is more appropriate to get information from the other forum- I apologize for that, I try to get an answer.
I tried first by reading here and there, and then I tried to do it myself…
I use Repetier host v1.6. (I have no special problems with k8200- it works like a charm)
I used the printer defaut settings as explained on velleman website.
But with the newest version of everything.

So everything almost fine.
Except Z axis. everytime I print the upper layers are allways like below the level it must be. I have to rotate the bolt by hand up and up every 10 min otherwise it happens again. ( which is kind of boring to stay in front of the printer… Ok the first prints I was really intensively looking at the printing results, especially to detect problems :smiley: as I think everbody :P)

So I thought how can I calibrate the z axis.
I wanted to read the defaut settings through repetier using the command line (gcode) with M501—> no info…
I do not know why I have no way to read the settings regarding the motors but it does not appear anywhere (Maybe I did not find it), and I cannot adapt it like I read elsewhere (on instructable.com) for other printers.

Then I read we can change in the eeprom settings part in repetier host.
For the K8200 I read z axis must be 2560 steps per millimeters. so I changed here.
but wrong --> the motor under defaut settings turns “normal- fast”
changing the value to 2560/saving in eeprom --> manual control panel --> moving z axis from 10 mm: the motor seems to read steps by steps and I had to wait about 10 min sothat it finish the command.
I thought ok if it is too slow, I need to decrease the number of steps—> it is even worth.

Sooooo What I have to change to get the right Z steps/ mm ratio on my K8200? For information I asked the printer to move 200 mm in total (orientation bottom to top) and I measured with a caliper the distance travelled results: 198mm only.

So it is seems I really need to change a setting somewhere to get it properly calibrated.

Can somebody help me?
A) Which settings for Z axis calibration in eeprom?
B)which command line to read settings with gcode command and how to overwrite it (also temporarly) - I sew something likewise on instructables.com.
C) any tips? (I read for overmolten blobs that makes the print looking not as it must be: either an extra fan to cool the molten plastic or an extra small tower object to give 10-15 sec to the plastic to cool down)

Thx to everybody for reading and double thx to whom answering!



Dear Velleman officer,

35 views and no one able to help me?


Hi Dr_Froggy_rD!

I have exactly the same problem.
I bought a Sintron MK8 Extruder with direct drive Motor. I calculated 97 steps/mm and wanted to load this value to the EEPROM via “Configuration” -> “Firmware EEPROM Configuration”.
But when i flash the new Firmware Setting, none of the Motors works anymore! Somtimes the z-axis moves very slow when i try to control one of the motors…
When i reset the firmware settings to default it works perfectly again.
On klicking to “Load Config” all values are 0.

What is causing this problem? Is there a massive software bug?

I use Version 0.95F of Repetier Host (custom Repetier Host from the website) with stock firmware.


When you flashed the new firmware did you use Arduino software 1.0.6 or lower?
Anything higher will not work.

I didn’t flash any firmware, i wrote new values to the EEPROM by means of the Repetier Host software.

Find this section in the “configuration.h” of the firmware:


And change it to this:


After reflashing the firmware you should be able to change EEPROM settings from Repetier.
Be sure to use Arduino version 1.0.6

Hi hbzandbergen!

Thank you for your reply!

#define EEPROM_CHITCHAT” was actually commented out. (Why was this the case?)
I corrected this line and now i want to flash the whole Firmware to the Board, but i never did this with Arduino before…
Do I need a STK500 programmer? (i don’t have one at home at the moment …)
Or can this be done via the onboard FTDI chip? (Bootloader)
Simply pressing on “Upload” was not working :wink: (timeout; therefore no connection)

Sorry i found my mistake: no programmer or anything else is needed, just the programming jumper on the board has to be bypassed!

I uploaded the Marlin V2 Firmware with the changes decribed above and everything works fine now, thanks!

Version 1.0.6 of Arduino is required to flash the firmware, otherwise the 3D Printer will not work correctly! (y-axis endstop not working correctly and x-axis motor not moving)

Dear all,

so if I right understood:
we cannot set the information from repetier.
we need to flash the firmware.

However, this is kind of strange: because if I do change the value from repetier hosT (change eeprom config)
I see a difference (OK this is not perfect).

I think it must be another way without flashing the firmware from repetier.

Can anyone tell me if it is another way and if not why this is not working from repetier.



Hi Dr_Froggy_rD!

Not exactly: we can set informations from the Repetier software but the controller can not process this values, because they are not set in the firmware.

So you simply have to change the decribed parts in the firmware and upload it to the controller. (With Arduino 1.0.6 an don’t forget to specify the right controller)
An other way is not possible i guess …

It’s possible that some behaviors semms to work but in my case none of the axis are moving and the z-axis was very slow.