Z-axis spindle upgrade questions

I’ve just ordered
ebay.com/itm/x1pce-Anti-Back … 1382759518
combined with
Aluminum Flex Shaft Coupler - 5mm to 10mm

Anyone with any experience of using that spindle? I figured it would be easy to fabricate an adapter to connect the flanges to the Z-carriage.

Also I have a few 6200ZZ 10 mm bearings to use for top fixture.

i ordered the stuff somewhere else.

but i wanted to say, dont forget to chagne the firmware steps per mm.

For a 10x2 spindle the right value is 1600.

How did it work out for you? Was it worth the money? Did the quality get better? :slight_smile:

Yes the movements are a lot smoother and there’s no backlash anymore.
A second Z axis is not mandatory as the result is already very good with one. But with 2 the movement is even smoother and perfect. And the extruder arm stays horizontal.

[quote=“raby”]Yes the movements are a lot smoother and there’s no backlash anymore.
A second Z axis is not mandatory as the result is already very good with one. But with 2 the movement is even smoother and perfect. And the extruder arm stays horizontal.[/quote]
What he said. I’ve got absolutely no backlash anymore, and the arm is completely rigid. Result in print quality is noticeably less irregularities on surfaces.

I also upgraded to 10x2 and I installed a second axis. The second axis just makes the whole z-arm more rigid but the print-quality did not improve that much…

Neither did mine except that now I can print higher objects (20 cm or even 22) without any problem which was not the case with the stock spindle. Above 10 cm the movement began to be irregular with the Z axis vibrating like hell.