Y-motor gives wrong -movement

Hi there,

I tested the printermotors and stops, but I have a problem when I give the manual command -1 or -10.
It doesn’t move the logfiles show the next:
echo: endstops hit: Y:6.77

After I send the command again it gives:

echo: endstops hit: Y:6.76

Al the other movements are correct also the +1 or +10 manual movements of the Y motor are correct.
I changed the plug from the X-motor to the Y-motor nd than it works correct, so it can’t be the motor.

What should I do?

Thanks for your help.

Did you try to send it to the Y home position?
Manual control upper right corner Y with the house next to it.

You may also need to double check the wiring for the Y end stop switch.

If the Y endstop is being hit while it’s actually not, then endstop probably has a bad or loose contact.

You can try uploading the following firmware to the mainboard:

velleman.eu/downloads/files/ … RLINV2.rar

You can use the last chapter of the online manual to know how to do this.

This is a new firmware we will officially release when the LCD/SD CARD board is released but it is possible it will solve your problem.

(it handles endstops hits differently)

[quote=“VEL327”]You can try uploading the following firmware to the mainboard:

velleman.be/downloads/files/ … RLINV2.rar

You can use the last chapter of the online manual to know how to do this.

This is a new firmware we will officially release when the LCD/SD CARD board is released but it is possible it will solve your problem.

(it handles endstops hits differently)[/quote]

Well the link is not working…
