Hi all,
Recently had been having the problem of a staggered or jumping print in the Y axis, after 10-15mm height in print, the y axis would jump or skip printing the next layer with differnt Y coordinates. I did a bit of forum trawling and there we’re a few suggestions on how to fix this, these included,
- Lubricating rails
-Updating firmware to V2, - Increasing motor voltage to 0.55v,
- ensuring belt is not too tight
All of which I did, and when I try my printer again I find the Y motor no longer moves, it locks solid (I cannot move the bed by hand at all) and makes the high pitched whine of a motor under strain when it is controlled from Repetier in manual. This is where this gets a bit more confusing and seems to be different from most of the other posts on this topic.
I have switched the Y and X motor connectors, in this case the Y axis moves under control of the X manual controls on Repetier, showing it is not a problem with the motor or its wiring, and that the bed moves easily and freely.
I have then thought it is the motor drive board (the small one on which the voltage is adjusted), so I switch the X and Y drive boards around (with all the cables in their correct original connectors) expecting to find the problem now moves to the X axis and the problem is the drive board. However the problem remains on the Y axis under the control of the X drive board. I have also tried changing the voltage back to the 0.425 it was at before.
I have now ran out of solutions to try and am still nto sure if I have solved my original problem in the Y axis. At least getting it moving again would be a start.
All ideas and help would be appreciated. Thanks