I had to have the Motherboard repaired and got it back last week. The Z axis works OK as does the X. The Y moves in the + direction only but not the - (negative) direction. When I switch the x and y connectors at the MB I get the opposite problem. the Y works just fine both directions and the X now only goes + but not - Neg.
When I had to return the MB for repair. I got only the Z and extruder to work. When I plugged to x and y into the z the MB They did work. So I doubt it could be the wiring. So what is the deal?
Check if the end-stop is functional (bad contact, broken wire or soldered to the wrong terminal). The end-stop must be open when hit and closed otherwise.
I agree you need to know if the end stops are open first: enter “M119” in the G-code, and read the echo. The endstops and their status are listed.
I did have oil in the end stop housing.
then… In case they are all open:
I had the exact same problem of movement in one way. (In this case, a K8400) As I switched the boards, i found out a stepper motor driver board was broken.
I solved it by buying a new stepper motor driver DRV8825 online.
If you do, make sure you order an assembled one (processor on board with connectors). It often comes with a small heatsink.
Velleman also returns the broken parts, but in my case I was unlucky; the repaired driver board was not working either.
--> Power off when switching stepper motor boards…!
There are 2 wires coming from the Y end stop.
If they are rubbing on the frame in the back you need to cable tie the wires to the post that holds the end stop.
Make sure the wires are solder on the outside post.
If you have any doubt resolder them
OK this is good but weird. I started to check the stops as you suggested. Low and behold everything is working fine. What I did differently, I have no idea. So, somehow it fixed itself. I had to resolder the bed thermistor using the spare nozzle thermistor. What should be the resistance of the beds terminal end? I’ve seem it on other posts and I will try to find it again but I thought if someone reading this post happens to know, that would be a good thing. I’m reading 123K.
If you unplug the thermistor it should read 100K at room temp.
If the end stop started working after you moved the wires this indicates there is a problem with the solder joint.
You need to resolder the wires on the end stop terminals.
If not this will cause problems down the line.