X/y skewed ? (image included)


We’ve finished mounting our k8400 but we’re running into problems while printing:

Basically the z axis seems fine, but we have big ‘gaps’ where the printer screws up our shapes (the round shape which supposed to be the beginning of a dome has 2 angles). What can we do to fix things, or find out our problem ?

We’ve tried loosening the belt conveyors (? ‘courroies’). But we’re a little at loss. I’ve also read that the printhead should travel freely on it’s x/y axis if you tilt the printer sideways (after having removed the belts), but that’s definitely not our case.

Thanks for your input

edit: here’s a really boring video of the printer working if you’re curious =)

youtube.com/watch?v=b_qBFSs … e=youtu.be


That looks like a Y axis issue. Did you oil the rods? and did you check that the printhead moves around smothly (everything is aligned) by hand wish fairly little resistance?

// Marlark

[quote=“Marlark”]That looks like a Y axis issue. Did you oil the rods? and did you check that the printhead moves around smothly (everything is aligned) by hand wish fairly little resistance?

// Marlark[/quote]

We oiled the rods, but as for the smoothness, I’m not sure how to proceed or where the resistance comes from.

The first thing you can check is if the cross rods is strait and not missaligned sins the belts can if the pullies are fastened move the axis clamps. That is why some of us recommend as soon as you can print a set of these http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:606083 and realign them based on http://www.k8xxx-3dprinters.crimed.be/w/index.php?title=XY-Carriage_Alignment. But sins you cant print them yet i gues :frowning: there is suggestions on how todo it with other alternative ideas there also.

// Marlark

thanks we’ll try a few things and get back to the forums

Okay I’m not sure this is the same issue…
But mine ran like total crap when I exactly used the manuals values for the distance between the linear bearing clamps…
Best indicator for that is to look at the 2 opposing rods and look closely if they bend towards each other at some point when moving the head in a linear direction. If that’s the case it means the linear bearing clamps are to close to each other, and you need to increase that distance until it’s glides like a “bikini baby oil wrestling chick”.
Theirs the long dismantle everything again, and start over by trail and error way.
Or the short cloink/huray hamer way.
Put a small piece of wood between the clamp and the hammer and gently tap once on the piece of wood and check if it’s any better.
If not, try to tap gently the opposing clamp once.
And check again if it’s anything better.
Keep in mind not to smack it to hard, it’s easy to bang em outwards but not that easy to beat em back closer to each other. After I gave mine the “you piece of #!#§©###! Hammer treatment” it runs like a charm without any major hick ups.

Kind regards.

Also check the belt pulley’s on the X and Y motor. This kind of deformation is almost always caused by loose pulleys on the 2 motors.