X and Y axis get stuck on auto home

I just finished my build of the vertex and I loaded the 1 head firmware to it.
But when I try to do an auto home both the X and the Y axis get stuck 2-3 cm from where they should.
I can move both axis by hand but the motors seems to struggle a lot.

I can’t see any place where it could be stuck.

Anyone have an idea?

Thanks a lot

I’m gonna do this during the weekend

I did the alignment. But it seems like the belts for the X axis skips a lot.
How do I tighten it properly?

I fixed the provblems with the x getting stuck.
But it seems like the x axis randomly stops moving even though the stepper motor is driving.
Do I have a faulty motor?

Yeah you were right

Didn’t do my homework to check that pulley properly.
The printer is working fine now and I’m doing my first control print to see if everything is good

Thanks for the help