Wrong dimensions printed part


I just have my k8400 and finished a small print, but the dimensions are ± 0.3mm off. Its a funnel, both inside and outside dimensions are to small.

Drawing - print

  • out 24mm - 23,7mm
  • out 27mm - 26,7mm
  • in 17mm - 16,5mm

After some searching here I already found that it kinda normal that the inside diameter is to small. If so, is it always the same deviation?
Also my settings have to be changed a bit for what is see: retraction, temp and extrusion. But will this help for the outside dimensions?



via ce wiki : http://wiki.mchobby.be/index.php?title=3D-OrdBot-Calibrer_X_et_Yde réglage plus de problemes !

pour ma part ca fontionne !

j’ai dessiner un cube de 20 / 20 et 15 de haut

a la mesure j’ai actuellement 20.00 en x - 19.99 en y et 15.01 en y

ce qui me parais parfait :wink:

bon reglage et courage :slight_smile: