Won't Work

So we have a school project to assemble a k8200 printer and print a model.

we built the printer, we used the manual on the internett, er did everything like it was in the manual.
when we connect the printer to the computer with Repetier the printer blink twice (red and green) and then it says on repetier:

System com error: IO.SYSTEM

something like that, we cant seem to find the problem, when we try to start it, it says heating extruder but it does not get warm.

we need help quickly!
thank you

Hi Jakob,

please provide some more info. Which operating system are you using? Which version of Repetier Host? Was the installation of the USB drivers successful?

Also, please check the power supply, just to be sure. When the printer gets only intermittent power, that would cause some issues with communication. Do you have stable 15 V on the power input screw terminal?


we are using windows 7, the repetier version is v0.84. we installed the driver from the instructions.
The power supply is ok, and its connected to the screws.

Hi Jakob,

the fast version: get rid of the 0.84 Repetier Host, instead install the 0.90C. Use the same settings for the Printer Settings, K8200 profile like shown in the instructions, but make sure the new option “Reset on Connect” is set to Disabled.

Try again and if it doesn’t work, copy & paste the log output or any error message there might be.


we tried with version 84-95f none of them work, we set the setting as shown on the manual and on other forums aswell, switching the baud rate and such

so we got a little bit further now, its building layers, (layer 21 of 114 and so on)
and it also says heating extruder, is this suppose to happen ?

It said printing layers and counting up to 114 layers, when it was finished it said “print job finished” but… the printer didnt do anything, it was just standing still. does anyone know what the problem may be ?

Hi Jakob,

in the log, after connecting, but before the printing starts, there should be a line starting with “FIRMWARE”. Please post that line.


PS: there’s a “Copy” button in the log area, you don’t have to write it manually …

11:49:14.595 : Serial com error:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs

Make sure the baudrate setting is correct in the repetier software. See the “using the printer” manual for the settings.

Make sure you are using the correct com port You can find it device manager or use the refresh ports button in the software.
Baud rate is 250000

Try pushing the reset button of the control board and see of the printer connects to the system.