

(I’m leaving in Paris, i’m french)

I work with Delphi suite developpemnt and i use the K8062e.exe, K8062D.dll and FASTTime32.dll. My USB Interface is the VM116

When i configure over 4 channels, my programs and the DMX_demo.exe don’t work.

I have download the DMX_demo.exe and all .dll and .exe in DMX_demo_v3.zip, it’s Ok, but when i execute my programs with the new dll and K8062e.exe they don’t work.

Can you give me the link to the code source of this version v3 (Delphi Borland) ?

Thanks for your answer.

Best regards

Here you can download the Delphi source code and a demo:

For more info please see also this thread:


I will try it this evening


Good morning

This version works fine.
Note: Don’t forget to use SetChannelCount() after StartDevice.


I have an another request.

In th code source of K8062e project, the uses statement ask the following units:

  • Fasttime32

Where i can find the Fasttime32.pas unit and, if it is possible, the code source of Fasttime32.dll ?

Best regards

[quote]I have an another request.

In th code source of K8062e project, the uses statement ask the following units:

  • Fasttime32

Where i can find the Fasttime32.pas unit and, if it is possible, the code source of Fasttime32.dll ?[/quote]
The Fasttime32 is third party Delphi component.
This component is licensed and registered product.
We are sorry - we can’t distribute the source code for the Fasttime32 component and for the Fasttime32.DLL.
The only we can do is to distribute the Fasttime32.DLL together with our applications.

I think there is no big difference using the standard Delphi TTimer component instead.


I understand that you could not share the fasttimer32.

For use the Delphi TTimer, i think it’s not a good idea. The TTimer is based of a windows message send minimum every 1ms xith a jitter of 15ms.

For our DMX applications we must use timers like multimedia timer.

I will come back with more informations.

have a good day