Wiring My Heated Bed


I have built a heated bed, with a solid-state relay to control it (3-30 V control circuit to be wired to the main board) and a 100 kΩ thermistor. Please can someone explain which pins I should attach the heater’s control circuit and thermistor to? Polarity is also important for the control circuit. I’ve seen a couple of photos on here but they weren’t perfectly clear, so I want to make sure I’ve got it right.

Thank you!

User svdv has made a very nice pdf for howto install a heatbed which is posted in this topic http://forum.velleman.eu/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=14714&start=90
Hope svdv doesnt mind but heres the direct link to his fancy document. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/r0i9tqmcyult8z6/heatbed-for-dummies-v1.pdf?dl=0

It has pictures how the wiring should be connected, he uses a reprap powerexpander but any relais or whatever system ur using should be wired pretty much the same.
To quickly sum things up:
[ul]power side:[list]The heatbed should be connected on the load terminal of your relay so without more information I assume it’s a single-throw load switch.[/ul] [ul]-I’d connect a straight ‘Minus’/-/black-wire from the power supply to the heatbed.[/ul] [ul]-Then a ‘Plus’/+/red-wire from the power supply to the solid-state ‘Load’(1) terminal[/ul] [ul]-and from the ‘load’(2) terminal a ‘Plus’/+/red-wire to the ‘Plus’/+ on your heatbed.[/ul][/list:u]

[ul]Control circuit side:[list]
[list]-On the motherboard locate the ‘bed-heater’ (4pins header) its 2 Pins ‘Plus’/+ and 2 Pins ‘Minus’/-[/ul]
[ul]-Connect the ‘Plus’/+ pin to your solid-state relay’s ‘Input’ terminal (this relay should have its polarity written on it) Most likely terminal(3) will be your ‘Plus’/+ side[/ul]
[ul]-Connect the ‘Minus’/- pin to your solid-state relay’s ‘Input’ terminal which has Minus’/- written on it, Most likely terminal(4) will be your ‘Minus’/- side([/ul][/list:u][/list:u]

Basically U cant wrongly connect the thermistor to the motherboard.
[ul]-Connect one side of the thermistor to a pin of the ‘Bed-therm’ header[list]
[/ul]-And the other side of the thermistor to the left over ‘Bed-therm’ pin.[/list:u]

Kind regards

Thank you very much for your detailed and thoughtful response! I’ll post photos of my installation once it’s done.

Thanks, I’ve downloaded that PDF too - I hadn’t spotted that post earlier.

I’m not ready to produce it yet, but should I want to try that, this is the level of instruction that I’d need. :slight_smile: