[Windows 8] VM116


I’d like to use the VM116 DMX controller in a Windows 8 Metro style app. However, the app runs in a sandbox, and therefor, whenever I call the k8062.dll nothing happens.

It works well in a standard WPF application : I call the StartDevice method, and then change the channels values. So my .NET wrapper is OK. But in a Metro style app, the StartDevice method doesn’t start the k8062e.exe process.

In fact, there is workaround to execute an external process in a Metro style app: I could create a custom extension file, like *.k8062, and register it to be open by default with the k8062e.exe program. Then, I embed a dummy file with that extension in my app, and I open it with its default application. It could work, but here it won’t because the process “is not stand-alone”. I probably have to give it some arguments that I don’t know about.

Does anybody have already tried to use the vm116 with Windows 8 ? I would be very interested to know if there is another workaround ! :wink:

[quote]But in a Metro style app, the StartDevice method doesn’t start the k8062e.exe process.[/quote]You can try to use this updated K8062D.DLL version
(The previous updated version had some timing problems.)
This version is not using the K8062e.exe.

There is also a demo program included to the package to test the new DLL.