Windows 10 conection problem

I have just upgraded a new Windows 8.1 machine to Windows 10. K8200 no longer works. (It did before upgrade)

Repetier connects OK - ‘Idle’ then in a few seconds goes to ‘X Command Waiting’ (X is a number and varies) Everything still works OK on a Windows 7 machine. Could it be a driver problem - are win 10 drivers available?

Have you already tried to reinstall the driver?
Maybe it got corrupted during the upgrade.
The controller uses an FTDI chip, so windows 10 should also be able to find the correct driver online.



Thanks for quick answer. Did windows update. Still no joy. Unplugged power supply and reconnected. Able to move axes. Win7 machine with Repetier 0.86 starts Ok power on. Cannot test print before weekend.

Did you uninstall the driver (with checked delete driver software) before you tried to Update?

This may not be it but check the printer settings
Reset on connect = Disabled Baud rate = 250000

Now prints OK but still have to connect with power off, then plug in. But liveable with

OK, you’re not alone!
I had the same exact issue, and doing order you said works… Very Odd…

Problem no longer. It was a minor irritant compared with other problems with feed and quality (see Feed Erratic in Issues while printing) These I solved with the help of other contributors (particularly Dr Vegetable, Wrong Way and Fitchie) and replacing Drivers on Extruder and X and Y. Fitted DRV8825. This allowed increased current to the extruder motor and finer control of X and Y. At the end of all this the connection problem had disappeared.