Windows 10 and PCSU1000

I’ve seen already discussions going on about the Windows10 <-> PCSU1000 (through PcLab2000SE) but I didn’t see a real solution for this.
My question: is there an installation package available to get the PCSU1000 up and running on a Windows 10 64-bit installation?

I’ve installed the 4.0.5 version of PcLab2000SE and I can get the very first window up (where you select your device type), but after that, it’s over.

The PcLab2000SE should run on Windows 10 64 bit too.
Maybe your software installation is defective.
Does the problem occur if you select PCSU1000 and click the ‘Demo Mode’ button?
Does the problem occur if you select other device than PCSU1000 and click the ‘Demo Mode’ button?
Does the problem occur if you run the PcLab2000SE ‘As administrator’? (Right click the icon and select ‘Run as administrator’.)

[quote=“VEL255”]The PcLab2000SE should run on Windows 10 64 bit too.
Maybe your software installation is defective.[/quote]
I’ve installed PcLab2000SE once more, but result is the same.

No, the demo mode is working.

No, seems to work fine too…

Issue remains. But when I look into “Apparaatbeheer” (Dutch version), then I see the following:

When I then manually try to update the driver (that is, pointing to the “Drivers” directory in the “PcLab2000SE” installation directory", I get the following at the end of the installation:

I guess it has something to do with signed/not signed drivers? If so, how to circumvent this for Windows 10?

To get the driver installed properly, the driver signature enforcement has to be disabled.
Here you’ll find the instructions how to disable driver signature enforcement in Windows 10: … d-drivers/

[quote=“VEL255”]To get the driver installed properly, the driver signature enforcement have to be disabled.
Here you’ll find the instructions how to disable driver signature enforcement in Windows 10: … d-drivers/[/quote]

That was indeed the missing link. I’ve disabled the driver signature verification and then installed the PCSU1000 driver.
Now all works like a charm, thanks!