Why is minimum Layer thickness (Z): 0.20 and not less?


Why is the minimum layer thickness (Z): 0.20 - 0.25 mm and not less?

There are 3D printers with 0.1 mm minimum layer thickness.

What hardware part or parts of the K8200 is/are the limiting factor?

Can this be improved by the user?


depend on the nozzle size (0.5mm) and need a flat printbed like this.

Can this be done with the K8200?
Has anyone done it?


i tried with a mirror on top the heated bed.

0.30 standard
0.15 is nice
0.10 tucks much time and is not much better than 0.15mm
0.05 worked 40 layers then the extruder gave up

Thanks for the tests !

In what way did the extruder give up ?
Was it broke ? Do you have to replace it ? Or what ?

Can the layer thickness be changed during printing ?
For example first several layers with 0.3 mm.
Then, when needed, a several layers of 0.1 mm.


Every Extruder has a Speed Range. Printing with 0.05 mm exceed the lower limit of the extruder.
So the PLA melted upwards and stuck.

With the actual Slic3r Version (0.84) you can’t change layerheight within one print.
Version 0.9.9 has this Feature

But at the Moment the K8200 just works with Repetier 0.84.
Version 0.85 add Slic3r 0.9.9.

[quote=“thev”]Every Extruder has a Speed Range. Printing with 0.05 mm exceed the lower limit of the extruder.
So the PLA melted upwards and stuck.[/quote]

Ahaa, now i understand.

Do you mean the k8200 does not work with newer versions of repetier ?
There are allready newer versions of Repetier.


i have tried Repetier-Host Windows 0.90C nothing works, no connection
everything turns good on 0.85b version on my side

[quote=“thev”]i tried with a mirror on top the heated bed.

0.30 standard
0.15 is nice
0.10 tucks much time and is not much better than 0.15mm
0.05 worked 40 layers then the extruder gave up


I also noticed your X / Y - tolerances are very good. Did you optimise this in any way? (software or hardware?)

Thanks, Derk

i did just carfully build the moving parts and checked for proper belt tension.


Impressive tests! Indeed the 0.05 layer height is pushing the extruder a bit too far :slight_smile:

We are testing with the latest version of repetier in-house and we are having good results. When finished we will upload some instructions on how to use the printer with the new version of repetier so you can take advantage of the new version of slic3r.

For the good X-Y tolerances: The belts are of course critical but it also helps to make sure that the Z rod is as straight as possible. If it is a bit bent you can fasten the bottom of the Z motor to the frame (or use another way to make sure it cannot move) this will get rid of any wavyness or Z banding in the prints.


May I ask which printspeed and extruder speed I have chosen?

Best regards,

i did not change anything beside the layerheigt.
this was with the old INI File.
with the new one, the results should be much better.

I had made a quick test with an 1cm qube.
Layer 0,1mm an 0,05mm normal setings.
But i think in the future i must reduce the temperature after printing 2mm high.
It is not the filament from Velleman


Thanks for your information. I just thought you had to reduce the extrutionspeed since the layer has half the high which needs less material.
But I try it as well with this settings right now.

Best regards,