Why don't we save the current position in EEPROM?

I hate it that you always have to Auto Home first before moving the axes. Why can’t we Auto Home once, and save the x,y and z positions in EEPROM each time, so when the printer starts again it loads the values from there.

As you can move the axes by hand the printer wouldn’t know where they are. The only way is the auto)home.

Printer stores values of steps per mm for motors but not positions because when it’s off and you move head by hand, the positions that you would have saved would be invalid.

For example, when you print something x and y goes back to 0 but z axis stays where it is and if you turn your printer off then z won’t be valid for next print if you don’t auto home.
If you would change this so that after successful print z goes back to 0 you would cause that printer parts hit the nozzle or rods.

Trust me, those 10 sec extra mean nothing in print time to you.