Which firmware to upload for the K8204 Z-axis upgrade


Hi, this is my setup: K8-200, K8204 Z-axis upgrade, E3D-v6 extruder, Windows 10, Arduino 1.68, Repetier Host V1.5.4

I’m having trouble with my printer configuration and wanted to make sure I had the correct firmware and was applying it correctly.

Was going to use firmware_k8200_v2.1.1.zip, but I don’t have the VM8201 (LCD and SD Card controller). Is this still the one to use?

I can upload firmware with Aurdino IDE without issue. Another point of confusion for me is ‘saving to EEPROM’. In Repetier-Host I go to ‘Config’, ‘Firmware EEPROM Configuration’ and I am getting confused. Do I select:

‘Save to EEPROM’ which then pops up with a 'Settings stored to running config. Write Changes to EEPROM?..or do I select: ‘Restore Factory settings’ with the ‘Save retrieved changes to EEPROM’?

Or should it be some other method or software.

Thanks for the patience with pretty obvious answers.

You should be able to use firmware that has support for the K8201 turned on. It shouldn’t matter if the display unit is not actually installed.

The EEPROM settings can be reset to factory defaults by sending two G-Code commands to the printer. open Repetier and connect to your printer. Then go to the Print Panel and enter “M502” (without the quotes) in the G-code field and hit Send. Then enter “M500” and hit Send again. M502 restores settings to “factory default” (as defined in the firmware) and M500 saves the current settings into EEPROM for later use.

Hope this helps. Happy printing!