Where Do You By the MK123 Power Supplies?

Now that I have the lights working in the MK123, I am not able to find the power supplies for the following Vellemen Kits, where can they be purchased at? I have been to Radio Shacks and many other electronics stores and no one has them:

  1. Rolling Clock MK123 9-12Vdc adapter or care battery 20mA max
  2. Interval Timer MK111 12Vdc 100mA
  3. Universal Start/Stop Timer K2579 12V DC 300mA

Are there any universal power supply that would also work?

Thank you! I think that the power supplies should be included in the kit so that they do not have to be searched for.


Sounds like you need a 12 volt power supply.
Each of these kits will run on a 12 volt 500mA power supply as long as it is built correctly
If the above is true the kit will not pull more then what is needed.

You can get it at Win-Source electronics [color=#000000]http://www. win-source. net/category/ all[/color].