Whadda XL Christmas Tree

Hi. I have the issue that only specific LED´s are on. The Big LED´s do not work at all (LED21 - LED24) and the lowest string is also not working (LD16-LD20). What could be the problem? The jumper on the string setting (1 or 2) is not doing any change. Hope somebody could help. Thanks in advance, Sandro

Hello @Sandro

Please check the polarisation of the leds carefull again

Follow this picture for polarisation:

In 95% of the cases when the digital addressable LEDs do not work, it turns out to be a wrong polarity of the LED. If 1 is incorrectly polarised, all subsequent LEDs do not work either.

Best Regards,
Velleman Support

Hi. Thanks for your answer. I double checked that and all LED´s are Polarised the same. It is easy to check if you have a look from above, Leg 2 and 4 are up, 1 and 3 are down. Otherwise 2 legs has been crossed. So I am 100% sure, that the polarity is correct. I tried with a Multimeter (between 5v and Leg2), and the specific strings has no input at all. Best regards Sandro

Hello @Sandro

Can you share pictures of front and back side of the PCB.
Possibly there is a bad contact (soldering).

See below how to recognise correct soldering: check extra:


Best Regards,
Velleman Support

Attached you can find front and back. Thx a lot

Hi Sandro, it sounds like there might be a connection issue or a problem with the LED strings themselves. Check the wiring and connections for the non-working LEDs and ensure that all jumpers and settings are correct. If the connections look fine, you might need to test or replace the faulty LED strings.