Hi guys,
I’ve just received my vm8201, plugged it in, the backlight comes on but nothing else.
I’m currently using the following firmware, is it the latest marling firmware,
github.com/CONSULitAS/Marlin-K8 … -11-18.zip
If not could you point me to the latest, if it is the latest what changes so I need to make to allow the LCD to work.
If you are using the stock K8200 and only adding the VM8201 try this one
There is also a contrast adjustment on the bottom of the unit you could try adjusting that.
Check the solder joints on the pins you soldered on the board.
When I bought the printer it had these mods,
Acme Lead Screw, 1.75mm J-head extruder, Reinforced z axis holder.
Is it possible to just use the latest marlin firmware, I can see that the k8200 has a configuration file already in the source code.