Vm211 i cannot upgrade firmware please help

Hello @wyrdlg ,

Please use the latest firmware (final release) for the earthlistener.
It compiles without errors on Arduino version 1.8.19 and Arduino IDE version 2.0.3.
Just make sure that “board type” is set to Arduino Mega or Mega 2560!

The FW final release V4.2 can be downloaded from here:

and use EarthListener4v2.ino

Best Regards,
Velleman Support

Had all this set before:
latest firmware - Yes Version 4.2
Arduino IDE - Yes Version: 2.0.3 Date: 2022-12-07T10:26:21.564Z (3 weeks ago) CLI Version: 0.29.0 [76251df9]
board type - Yes set to 2560

Same result: Compilation error: src\Adafruit-GFX-Library\Adafruit_GFX.h: No such file or directory
Strange… Tried the older IDE as well with the same error…

bitmaps.h works as it is’nt in src/

Hello @wyrdlg,

Can you try this version, you can download it via this link: https://we.tl/t-BFaMPUKm52

Unzip the file, open the EarthListener 4v2 folder, and open the EarthListener4v2.ino file.

Normally when Arduino IDE software opens this file, the sub files will be opened as well
as additional tabs in IDE software.

Normally it should compiles now without errors. i’ve tried serveral times with latest Arduino version without problems.

If not working, try on other PC if possible.

Best Regards,
Velleman Support

Hey Vel450. Got the solution from the Arduino Forum. So it worked in Windows. But the reason why it did not work on mAc (and would not have worked on Linux): you have to change the backslash \ to slash /!

@wyrdlg ,

Nice to hear you’ll found the solution. Well done :+1:

It’s always importent for support, to say on which OS your are working regarding errors or problems your encoutering.

Thanks for feedback for our the Linux users - forum members.

Best Regards,
Velleman Support

My pleasure!
By the way. Is there a possibility to dim or “screensave” the display?

Dear @wyrdlg ,

Dimming is not possible as the pins for controlling the backlight of the display
are not provided as external connection pins, on the shield of the display.

The backlight pins are permanently connected to the power supply.

Screensaver is currently not integrated into the firmware.

Best Regards,
Velleman Support