VM211 Earth Listener - VMA343 Lightning sensor does not report any lightning

Hello Bert,

Now we have a thunderstorm with few lightnings and the EL does not show any…

What could be wrong?
Have a nice day


:+1: Thanks for posting the update, well done

Any update? I had a few lightnings yesterday and the EL did not react, even when I put it outside the earthlistener. I use firmware 4.2.

@bert.test @VEL450 @VEL342 Where can I get 4.2 firmware? I can’t find it on Github.

I don’t think we have officially released the EarthListener firmware v4.2. However, it’s passed several months without issues, so I’ll ask to release it. In the meantime, you can download it here: https://we.tl/t-dHUl78CvMB (WeTransfer link, 7 days available).

@VEL342 Thanks for sharing 4.2
I have just installed new software.

Sensor is mounted outside the case, interface set up to IIC, sense high, mode outdoor.

Now there is a thunderstorm with lightnings and EL says there is no disturber?

What could be wrong?

Hi @Pz83,

Like we mentioned before in this post, we have found out that the VMA343 tends to work better on SPI then the IIC communication bus. We had the best results detecting spikes on SPI, so I would recommend using that configuration. Good luck!


Version 4.2 can now be found on our Github page:

I cannot use the SPI mode since I installed the VMA301 Real Time Clock. It uses the same hardware pin, so I need to reverse the interface setup back to IIC. Or is there another solution?

Hi @FraDoh ,

If you use the SPI interface for the lightning sensor, you will need these connections:

Arduino Mega Lightning Detector
52 SCL
41 CS
18 INT

The VMA301 Real Time Clock is using these connections:

Arduino Mega RTC
35 RST
37 DAT
39 CLK

So it should be possible to use both the RTC and lightning sensor on SPI.


Hi @VEL342,

Many thanks, I will modify the wiring!!