VM205 PI3 VNC not work

I am new and French so sorry for my English and my lack of precise vocabulary.
My problem is
when I plug in hdmi my pi3 and I launch VM205 no problems but as soon as I go through VNC or on the official touch screen PI, a window opens but nothing in it?
spi activate
acces for all
Do you have any idea where it can come from?


I installed and run the VNC according to these instructions.
Then I also installed XRDP according to these instructions.
Both methods seem to work well on my PC.
You may try reinstalling the VNC…
Or you may try XRDP…

Thanks for your answer but i want use only VNC because XRDP dont work on my PI.

I have installed update and installe VNC => same problem

BUT I think i have find a way for a solution
if my touche screen and display 7’ are disconnecte no pb with VNC
May be they are conflic with the DSI port
but SPI DSI and I2C are note the same port so ???

the solution is may be change the ID off the SPI port ??? but how ???

do you have a idea ?

i have find this may be a way ???

DSI display and CSI camera conflict

GPIO 34: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_CLK

may be the SPI=(SDI???) clock can’t be aswer by screen and VM205 in same time ???


Glad to hear that you found this workaround.

Indeed, there may be some sort of conflict between them…
Unfortunately I have no solution to suggest.

when my screen hdmi is connect and i use it to run VM205 =>OK
When my screen HDMI is connect and i use VNC to run VM205 => OK
But when my screen HDMI is not connect and i use VNC to run VM205 => Not OK
thanks for your help

i have find the solution but i dont no why…
i have modifie /boot/config.txt by uncommenting hdmi_force_hotplug=1

'# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

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I’m glad you found a solution.
Thank you for posting it.
This may be useful info for other users too.