VM203 EEPROM i2c

HOLA; quiero programar una eeprom 24LC16 y segun las instrucciones:
Connections for 24LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 24LC Device Pin (DIP)
(2) Vdd ! 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(5) PGC 6 SCL (driven as push-pull)
(6) AUX 5 SDA (requires pullup)
7 WP - disabled (GND)
1, 2, 3 Ax pins
Connect to Vdd or GND per
datasheet and to set address

! 24LC devices may not program properly below 3.6V VDD.
      This is a limitation of the PICkit 2 AUX IO pin.

NO PUEDO LOCALIZAR EL “pin6-AUX” EN EL VM203, para poder conectar el "pin5-SDA de la eeprom.
¿como debo conectar la eeprom dip-8 ?