Hello, I have some problems for configure the remote access of the VM201:
- I have configured a DynDNS (DTDNS) on my internet router (french orange livebox)
- this DynDNS and port fowarding work well because I have other device (IP camera) on the local network. An I can reach remotly this camera without problem.
- I have install a VM201 (with fixed IP address) on the local network (same than the camera one).
- I have enable the port forwarding on the port 9760 (TCP) to the VM201 IP address.
but when I set the “myDns”.dtdns and the good port in the apple/android app, I cannot acces to the VM201.
For have the remote access, I need to enable in my router the DMZ for the VM201 IP address.
With the DMZ, remote access works perfectly…
But when I am at my home, my phone is connected under the wifi of the router and then, the connexion is no more running.
When my phone is under the router wifi, in the mobile app, the VM201 IP address must be specified instead of “myDns”.dtdns
So is there other port than 9760 to forward for have the remote access?
Or is it possible to set 2 servers in the mobile app?
Thank you in advance for your help.