VM188 - Pulse Computer Fan?

Hey Guys,
I believe this is the right device for me. I want to hook up a small computer fan (eg amazon.com/dp/B009OXTWZI).

My problem is I haven’t a clue how to hook this all up to the board. I know how to set the jumpers and to set the pulse/pause intervals. My issue is how to actually connect the fan and power supply. Ideally I’d like to use one power supply to run the whole thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Connect + and - of 12VDC power supply to + and - of VM188
Connect - of fan to - of 12VDC power supply
Connect + of 12VDC power supply to COM of VM188 relay
Connect + of fan to NO of VM188 relay

Done :slight_smile:

Awesome! Thanks for the help. Does the amperage of the power supply matter? The fan says it pulls 0.1 amps.

In that case, the power supply should be capable of supplying at least 0.1A + the consumption of the VM188 which is another 0.1A, so at least 0.2A is required. More is fine.

Ok great. Thanks again for your help!