VM167problem on Windows 10 1803 and USB 3.0

I asked for suggestions on this problem just appending it to an old topic but so far no replies so I try again on a new topic.

Have used VM167 for some years in a customer project.
Sometimes one card is connected some times two.
Up till now everything works just fine. But since USB 3 nowadays is the most common on new machines we have a growing problem.

Using one card works seams to be OK, problem comes when two are connected. Sometimes I can get connection to both cards, depending on order of insertion of USB plugs and to what ports on the USB hub.

The problem occurs only on machines having USB 3.0 ports, windows 10 machines having USB 2.0 is OK.

I have tested with just bare VM167 boards and also updated drivers to latest. The problem is also present when running the demo program.

Since my customer is using a lot of VM167 cards this problem is of great concern.

Grateful for any suggestions !
Please help!

Now the VM167.DLL is updated to version
Here is the link to download the updated DLL and the demo program:

This DLL works only with the USB driver version included into the download package .

Please test if this version is OK with Windows 10 1803 and USB 3.0.


On the tested machine I had initially driver installed, with this driver the problem was the same as mentioned above, when running vm167.dll version

After installing drivers from vm167_sdk_rev_1841. Cards 0 and 1 connected in all combinations of insertion order. So the problem seems to be resolved. Many Thanks for that!

Could I use the vm167_sdk_rev_1841 on older versions of windows? My customer’s application runs on all Windows versions from Window 2000 and later.

Thank you for the feedback.

On Windows 2000 only the driver version and DLL version can be used.
On all newer operating systems you can use the vm167_sdk_rev_1841.