VM167 and Serial data?


Is it possible to use the VM167 to read/write serial data?

A couple of methods I thought of:

  1. Using an ADC (TLC549IP - Successive Approximation): connecting the Data o/p of the ADC to one of the
    of the digital input/ouputs of the VM167?

  2. Using an 8-bit SIPO register connected to the 8 digital inputs/outputs of the VM167?

  3. Using a UART chip?

What method/s do you use or is it even possible?

Thank you.

According to the datasheet of the TLC548, the reading the data is very easy using the pins CS, I/O CLOCK and DATA OUT.
Connect CS and I/O CLOCK pins to the digital outputs of the VM167 and connect the DATA OUT to the digital input of the VM167.
In your software generate the CS and I/O CLOCK signals and read the VM167 digital input where the DATA OUT is connected.

Also possible to use other serial devices if the minimum clock frequency is specified low enough.


Or I could you the VM167 32-bit Counter. And then use bitmasking to get to the raw data.

Thanks again