VM152: memory


What does de sentence mean: “memory for last selected function”?

Is this: set at maximum power, disconnect power, turn power back on and the LED’s will light up at maximum power again?

Here this didn’t work. when I turn off the Power Supply, and then turn it on again, the LED’s are off.

Is there a way to do this?
(I would like to use a digital timer with ON/OFF switch)

Thanx in advance.

No, it means that it will remember if it was in ‘dimmer’ or in ‘slow on/off’-function.

Dear Velleman,

I bought the LED dimmer VM512 because the package and the product description mentioned “memory for last selected function”

So this suggest that also the last dimming setting is stored.

The dimming function and the slow on/off function works fine, but if I switch off the current supply the last dimming setting is NOT STORED! If I switch on the current supplay again, the LED keep dark. Only with dimming up i can set the dimming again.

The VM152 only remembers the slow on/off function
and not the dimming setting!
For me as customer this seems an error, isn’t it?
Should I return this device?
Because I expected that the memory function is also available for the dimmer settings!

The remote control is a VM130T
The LED loops (LED stripe in german) has max. 2A

Please help me!

Please see my previous post.
It remembers the last selected function i.e. dimmer function or slow on/off function.

Yes, I have read your last post :smiley:
But, what are YOU meaning with dimming function!

As normal customer I mean the dimming up/down buttons on VM152 and remote control.
If I set the dimming with this buttons to e.g. 50% this is a dimming function for ME!

So if your product description says “memory for last selected function” I have the idea that your device saves the last settings if I switch off the current power.

My device do this only with the slow on/off function, but not if I set the dimming to e.g 50% or another dimming state.

Otherwise the product description is not clear enough (for me and it seems for the first poster too) or the device has an error. Also the salesman where I bought the device means the same like me. Otherwise I do not understand the function. In my household and the household of the first poster we turn of the devices for saving energy and other reasons.

So please tell me, what you are understand about the memory function in context with switch off a current supply. For me it is not comfortable always set the dimming again, after the current supplay is switched of :smiley:

Otherwise I would success to correct the product description.

unfortunately I only followed the description on the package instead of searching the internet before buying the VM152 and now I stumbled over the same issue as the previous posters of this thread. For me the sentence: “memory for last selected function” means exactly as the other posters said that the last dimming state is being stored. In addition I thought that the slow on slow off effect would mean that if I turn on the device it would slowly dimm to the stored dimming state and if I turn it off it would slowly go off. Unfortunately both is not as expected. Therefore for me the product is worthless and I will have to return it. Maybe this feedback helps you to improve the VM152 in the future.

I also understood that the last selected light value would be restored after power on. Also my supplier mentioned, on his site, that the last brightness value would be restored (but then in dutch).

We are sorry that you have misunderstood the description.
The next revision of the packaging will be adapted to avoid confusion.


this was exact the same reason for me to buy this dimmer, to switch it off and on with a particular amount of light.

So now I have change the whole LED-strip and controller.

Maybe You can change the software in a new version of the product, what has this function.