VM141 Timing Problem

I have used a few of the VM141 timers and they work great. I recently added an end of cycle buzzer to my machine. This does not connect directly to the VM141. It is a BT 169 Thyristor triggered by a small capacitor. This circuit is powered by the same 12 V DC that the VM141 is supplied with. The timer stopped timing to 1o minutes, it just keeps going and going. THe 1 second DIP setting works but the 6 second does not. The 1 minute DIP setting does not work. The timer just continues to run. It still happens after disconnecting all wires from the timer, it only have 12 V DC and is still malfunctioning. Should I have isoltaed my thyristor/capacitor circcuit somehow? Again the two circuits only shared the 12 V DC supply and were not directly connected otheriwise. The capacitor triggered the BT 169 using a seperate larger relay the was triggered by the on board VM141 relay. This setup worked before adding the cap/BT 169.

Any advice?

Sorry, we have difficulties understanding your application.
A link to a hookup diagram would help a lot :slight_smile: