VM141 Delay?


I have a question in connection with the Start/Stop Timer VM141.

There is a adjustable delay? So I push the Start Button and after the time that is adjusted, the relay switches.

But how do I program the (working-)time for the relay? How long is it open (or close) ?

My need is a timer, which switches the relay on for about 3 seconds, after a 5 seconds delay when I pushed the start button.

Is this possible and programmable with the VM141?

Thanks a lot


Anyone? No ideas?

I made kind of a sequence… Maybe it is easier to understand, what I mean.

START-Button push --> 5 seconds delay --> light switches on for 3 seconds --> END

Possible or not?

Thank you!

A lot of views… no response?
I want to start my project. Please help me :wink:

Sorry, this is not possible with this timer.
We’d suggest the MK188.
It does not use a start button but it turns on when power is applied, so you can replace the start button with a switch.
