
I want to control a set of six 12V/50W lights through the VM131 variator. I am hesitating between the following configurations:

  • One 300W tranformer (240V/12V) connected to one VM131 variator.
  • Six 50W tranformers (240V/12V), i.e. one per light, connected to one VM131 variator.
    The first configuration is simpler, but the distance between the lights is limited (because of 12V connections).
    The second configuration is more complex but gives more flexibility regarding the distance between each light (as each light would be near its own transformer).

Are these two configurations allowed for the VM131?
What is your recommendation?
Thank you.

Please note that this is a dimmer for ELECTRONIC transformers.
As you mention a 300W transformer, we assume that this is a classic wirewound transformer, as a 300W electronic transformer does not exist.
This dimmer does not work with a wirewound transformer.
We’d recommend a separate electronic transformer per lamp.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Sorry for the confusion. I am planning to control FOUR (not six) 12V/50W lights.
In the first configuration, I am planning to use an ELECTRONIC transformer 230V/12V-210VA enabling the connection of four 12V/50W.

I understand that you recommend the second configuration, i.e. a sepratate electronic transformer for each light (short distance between each electronic transformer and its light).
Just to prevent any misunderstanding, can you confirm that the recommended circuit would then be composed of ONE VM131 connected to the FOUR electronic transformers (each of them being connected to its own light). In other words, is it allowed to connect in parallel SEVERAL electronic transformers to ONE VM131 (in order to control centrally all these electronic transformers)?

Should not be a problem to parallel electronic transformers.

Can one VM131 dimmer control a set of six 12V/50W lights (each light being equipped with its own 240V/12V transformer)? Is one VM131 powerful enough to control these six lights? Or do I have to use two VM131?

VM131 is rated at 300W so that should not be a problem.