
hello i just bought a vm130 and the guys at maplin tried to work out diagram for me , i want to use it a motor for to open and close so i need to reverse polaritries can you help

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Hi, i want do the same thing for my door garage… open and close, can you send me the same diagram please ?


Hereby a link to the diagram:

I have a VM 130 with six remote controls. I can program all the transmitters, each one with its own specific code which is recognized by the receiver.
If a person, in possession of a transmitter with the factory code, sends an order to my receiver, he will be able to activate it. All the receivers have the same factory code. How can I change the factory codes of the receivers in order to have a different code?

Normally, the factory code is erased when you learn the first transmitter to the receiver UNLESS you have learned the factory code to the unit by accident.

First, erase all codes from the receiver (see manual for how-to instructions).
Next, change the code to a random code on all six transmitters (see manual for how-to instructions).
Now, learn all six transmitters to the receiver.
It will no longer respond to the factory codes.

It’s Ok, it works, thank you

[quote=“VEL417”]Normally, the factory code is erased when you learn the first transmitter to the receiver UNLESS you have learned the factory code to the unit by accident.

First, erase all codes from the receiver (see manual for how-to instructions).
Next, change the code to a random code on all six transmitters (see manual for how-to instructions).
Now, learn all six transmitters to the receiver.
It will no longer respond to the factory codes.[/quote]

I have a VM109, 2x VM108 and 1x VM130T.
I have the same security concern like ATILA38. The factory code is always recognized!
Evidence: the set of VM109 + 108 was in use since long time with specific codes. To increase the flexibility, I bought one additional transmitter (VM130T). This device is coming with the factory code and is recognized by my VM109 without any learning activities!
Then I erased all codes from the receiver according to manual instructions. I learned the code of the 2 VM108s again to the VM109.
The new VM130T is still recognized by my VM109, without learning it first.
Conclusion: Any new device is able to operate my system. No security level is provided.

Question: What went wrong? How can I make my sytem safe?

Most likely, the default code was learned to the receiver.

Anyway, erase all remotes from the receiver(s). See manual for how-to instructions. Make sure to follow the procedure correctly, otherwise the receivers will not be erased.
Change the code of ALL remotes to a random code. See manual for how-to instructions. Make sure to follow the procedure correctly, otherwise the code will not be changed.
Now learn the transmitters to the receiver(s).

OK, I did all again - and now I can confirm it works. The factory code is erased when the first individual code is learned.
I don’t know what happened, but I’m happy to have it fixed. Thank you!