VM130 does not stay ON in "ON/OFF" mode

Recently I installed a VM130 module to switch on a 2 zone alarm in a motorhome. Channel 1 switches zone 1 on and off, channel 2 switches zone 2 on and off. I set both channels to the “ON/OFF” mode but after several hours channel 1 switches itself OFF automatically. Last year I installed several VM108/109 setups and these still work without any problems. I’ve tried all different mode’s on the VM130, but channel 1 keeps switching OFF after some time in the ON/OFF mode. The module has already been replaced but the problem remains the same. It 's even been tried without the alarm print connected so that only the VM130 is connected. The first installed VM130 also had very low reception. The transmitter had to be as close as 1 meter to be able to set any channel ON or OFF. This was resolved with placing a new module, but the switching OFF problem remains.


VM130 has exact same software as VM109.
Furthermore, this problem has never been reported, so the problem must be related to the setup or to your particular unit.
Maybe there is a transmitter in the proximity which causes CH1 to turn off.
Try removing all codes from receiver. Generate new code on transmitter and learn it to the receiver.
If both channels turn off after a while, look for receiver power interruption.