Vm116 dmx


after connecting and addressing the fixtures and running the vm116 controller, all of the fixtures starts to blink in white color at the same phase as the dmx indicator light on the controller…what am i doing wrong?

This is strange problem.
Maybe the VM116 is defective.
In this case you have to return the VM116.

Maybe your fixture have non-standard 3-pin XLR configuration.
You may try swapping connector pins 2 and 3.
Please see: interactive-online.com/suppo … or-pinouts

[quote=“VEL255”]This is strange problem.
Maybe the VM116 is defective.
In this case you have to return the VM116.

Maybe your fixture have non-standard 3-pin XLR configuration.
You may try swapping connector pins 2 and 3.
Please see: interactive-online.com/suppo … or-pinouts[/quote]

i’ll double check the wiring…i have connected it by this website instructions…and it seems fine.

if the problem will will go on…to who ill should send it?


[quote]if the problem will will go on…to who ill should send it?[/quote]Please see this web site how to proceed: velleman.eu/distributor/supp … rantykits/