I have an arduino uno with an adafruit wav shield. I want to boost the volume from the shield.
I procured a vm114- 7W / 4 ohm mono audio amplifier module and a Visaton 8W, 8 ohm speaker. What I get is a medium white noise with a low volume wave file output. The wave shields volume control effects the wave file volume but not the noise. The earplug output doesn’t extinguish the noise either. I would appreciate any suggestions to eliminate the noise and increase the volume. Thank you.
Most likely, the ‘white noise’ is an undesired behaviour of the .wav shield.
Filtering that will be impossible.
Are you sure the wav shield is OK? If the output level is extremely low for some unknown reason, it is possible that the noise is louder than the recording.
The wav shield output is OK. I put a speaker on the output and the quality is acceptable. The volume control works on the speaker and the ear phone jack. I wanted more volume so I added a vm114 and a speaker that could handle the output wattage. I asked Adafruit support and they suggested a 100 microfarad capacitor in series across the positive output of the wav shield and the input of the amp.
Here are the comments:
The output of the wave shield has a DC offset. If your Velleman does not have differential inputs, you may need to add a capacitor on the input.
You connect it in series with the positive signal wire. You can use a 100uF electrolytic capacitor. Connect the positive (longer) lead to the positive signal terminal on the wave shield (that would be the ‘tip’ connection if you connecting via the audio jack). Connect the negative lead of the cap to the input of the amp.
What type of signal is the audio amp input? Thank you for any suggestion.