VM111 on board programming

I bought a VM111, a PIC programmer and experimentation board. It has an ICSP output bus which sould allow the user to program the controller on board.
The problem is that it doesn’t work, I’ve checked several times all the connections as depicted in the user’s manual but it doesn’t work. I’ve used a PIC 16F84A.
Is there anyone who can explain me why?

the wires must be no longer than 20cm. i recommend around 5 - 10cm. can you program the pic in the board itself? here is what the wiring diagram should be

icsp pic
1 —> 4
2 —> 14
3 —> 5
4 —> 13
5 —> 12

and remember the pin numbers go down one side and up the other like this.

1 -±± 18
2 -| |- 17
3 -| |- 16
4 -| |- 15
5 -| |- 14
6 -| |- 13
7 -| |- 12
8 -| |- 11
9 -±± 10

good luck trying to get your chip to program,
