VM110 as potmeter

Hi Mr Moderator and all forum members, best wishes for a prosperous 2012.

For generating specific oscillations with a Schmitt trigger, we now use a potentio meter. To increase accuracy, we were wondering if the VM110 could be used instead of the potmeter.

Best regards,


[quote]For generating specific oscillations with a Schmitt trigger, we now use a potentio meter. To increase accuracy, we were wondering if the VM110 could be used instead of the potmeter.[/quote] Yes, this can be possible.
I think you have made a voltage-controlled oscillator.
You can use the analog output of the VM110 to control the oscillator frequency.
Connect the analog output of the VM110 to the control input of the oscillator.
Here is a link to a simple example circuit diagram of a voltage-controlled oscillator that uses the 555 timer IC as the main component: tymkrs.tumblr.com/post/449650755 … n-o-de-day

Just connect the VM110 analog output to pin 5 and GND to pin 1 of the 555 timer.

Here another link: circuitstoday.com/555-timer-oscillator

Remove the POT and connect pin 5 to the analog output of the VM110.

As usual, a very competent answer.