VM101 - function 5 problem


I have a VM101 working on function 5 (slow ON/OFF dimmer).

The problem:
When the intensity on the load (lamps - 400W) is gradually decreased, at the end, when the OFF-state is reached, there is a short switch on on the lamps (a flash of lightning).

Is it a problem of the VM1010? In any case how can I avoid this problem?


Sorry, we have no experience with this problem.
As this is an assembled product, it is not user servicable.
If desired, you can return the product for inspection/repair to:

Velleman Projects Tech. Dept.
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

Please include a copy of this conversation.

I have found and resolved the problem by myself.

It is a problem of the design.

With a certain load (above 250W- 220V) the Triac doesn’t work well. It doesn’t switch off.
It occur in the initial part of slow-on or in the final part of slow-down of dimming.

The cause is the inductance on the TRIAC --> phases of V and I are too distant.

I have spent a lot of time looking for the problem.
It sounds strange that this problem was not known in the Valleman Labs.

This item has been on the market since 2001, without any known problems so we are pretty sure it is not caused by a design error.
Most likely, the problem is related to a bad or off spec triac.
We have proposed to return the item for inspection/repair, unfortunately, you did not take advantage of this offer.